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 /  Fertilizers and plant protection products  / Potassium fertilizers  / Дніпропетровська обл.

Potassium fertilizers in Dnipropetrovsk region

Wholesale (wholesale) and retail sale of potassium fertilizers in Dnipro / Dnipropetrovsk region: 39 actual ads from sellers of the Dnipropetrovsk region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy potash fertilizers in Dnipro at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 24 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
УДОБРЕНИЕ_ Гумат калия+ БОР на подсолнечник, сою, рапс 4
3680 hryvnias.
FERTILIZER-Plant growth stimulator. Potassium humate with nitrogen and phosphorus is a growth stimulator for any crops. The price is 3680 hryvnias for a 20 liter can...Price: 3680 hryvnias.
Igor Aleksandrovych (Doctor Pozhat),Dnipropetrovsk region., 03-10-2024, Sell/buy
Калий монофосфат (монокалий фосфат)
42.1 UAH.
Potassium monophosphate or monopotassium phosphate is a mineral fertilizer for plants in open ground. It belongs to concentrated phosphoric acid...Price: 42.1 UAH.
Tatiana Borysovna,Dnipropetrovsk region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy
Гумат калия, Концентрат-1л. на 300л воды! Стимулятор роста 4
70 UAH.
TOV "AGRO-DOBRO" is an official dealer of PF "Termit" and offers a series of effective organic humic fertilizers "Rivnenski humates", which you will receive...Price: UAH 70.
TOV AGRO-DOBRO,Dnipropetrovsk region., 23-07-2024, Sell/buy
Живой Гумат Калия из биогумуса
35 UAH.
Good growth stimulator Potassium humate from biohumus, fertilizer that works. Suitable for pre-sowing treatment of seeds. More information on my ...Price: UAH 35.
Nikolay,Dnipropetrovsk region., 22-05-2024, Sell/buy
COMMERCIAL OFFER Plant growth stimulators and microfertilizers "StimAgro" We will be happy to offer you plant growth stimulators based on humate...
Aleksey Stepanovych,Dnipropetrovsk Region., 25-11-2023, Sell/Buy
COMMERCIAL OFFER Plant growth stimulators and microfertilizers "StimAgro" We will be happy to offer you plant growth stimulators based on...
Aleksey Stepanovych,Dnipropetrovsk region., 25-11-2023, Sell/buy
Магнезит каустический ПМК 87
13,714 UAH.
Magnesite caustic powder brand DTMR 84.87 TT 72664728-077-2008. Analogue of caustic magnesite PMK-84,87 GOST 1216-87. For a special n...
Petr Andreevich,Dnipropetrovsk region., 14-11-2023, Selling
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Аммиачная Селитра, Карбамид, Сульфоаммофос, Суперфосфат, Суперагро, Аммофос
17,000 UAH.
Good day, I wish everyone peace. Saltpeter for sale. CHECK AVAILABILITY AND PRICE BY PHONE - NIKOLAEV - Ammonium saltpeter OSTCHEM Ukraine bb 1t -...
UkrAgroProdukt,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Гумат Калия с NPK (10; 5; 11) Агрогумат + 7
120 UAH.
Microfertilizer based on sapropel humate Agrohumate +7. Chemical composition of potassium humate Agrohumate +7: humic acids - 110, g/l; fulvic acids...
Agrogumat,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Калий хлористый (цена договорная). 3|| |638
11 hryvnias.
Potassium chloride, urea, nitroammophoska, ammophos, KAS - 32 ammonium nitrate. Wholesale for export and throughout Ukraine. Acceptable prices, delivery.
Hryhoriy Alekseevich,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Сульфат калия (K2SO4.)
24 000 UAH.
Potassium sulfate is a concentrated potassium fertilizer, which contains 50% potassium, 18% sulfur, 3% magnesium and 0.4% calcium. It looks white, and...
"Technoalyans",Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Калимаг, калимагнезия К-25% Са-26% Мg-6%
6300 hryvnias.
Kalimag - granular or powder fertilizer with a pinkish or grayish tint. Calimagnesium contains in terms of dry substance: K2O ...
"Technoalliance",Dnipropetrovsk region., I will sell
Продам сульфат калия оптом и в розницу
35 грн.
I will sell potassium sulfate wholesale and retail. UAH 35 - 1 kg. 800 hryvnias - 25 kg. (bag) UAH 23,000 per ton. Shipping from the warehouse - delivery. Kaliynoe udo...
Yaroslav Vadimovych,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Калий фосфорнокислый N 0% P 52% K 34% Haifa Chemical, Израиль
47,200 hryvnias.
Potassium phosphoric acid is one of the concentrated phosphoric acid fertilizers. It is used to feed plants in open or sheltered soil. Ego ...
Elena,Dnipropetrovsk region., I will sell
Продам монокалийфосфат
48 UAH.
I will sell monopotassium phosphate. Made in China
Vladimir,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Калиевая селитра
39 UAH.
Potassium nitrate It is white crystals or powder with a yellowish-gray hue, odorless. Potassium nitrate dissolves well in...
"Euro LTG" LLC, Vyacheslav,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Сульфат калия
UAH 24.8.
Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) is the world's most popular chlorine-free fertilizer that does not contain nitrogen. Potassium sulfate plays an important role in synthe...
OOO "Euro LTG", Vyacheslav,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
Нитроаммофоска 8:19:29+3 серы
14 100 UAH.
Nitroammofoska 8:19:29+3 sulfur. The producer is Belarus. Packaging-used 0.5 t.
Yana. 295 €Дніпропетровська обл., Продам
295 €
DESTINATION suitable for all types of soil and for all agricultural crops due to the high content of sulfates, it is especially recommended for use...
Darya,Dnipropetrovsk region., I will sell
Калійні добрива гранульовані LUVENA - Калійна Сіль гр
DESTINATION increases the efficiency of nitrogen feeding increases the resistance of plants to stress factors improves the water balance of plants, especially in...
Darya,Dnipropetrovsk region., For sale
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