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New and Used (Buy)

Elevators, granaries, silos in Kirovohrad region

Sale of new and used granaries , elevators, silos in Kropyvnytskyi / Kirovohrad region: 142 actual ads from sellers Kirovohrad region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy granaries, elevators, silos in Kropyvnytskyi at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and healthy competition. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found, ads: 15 (including archived ones). Displayed: 1 - 15. Display mode:
Норія зернова Ковшовий елеватор 9
100,000 UAH.
Ribbon norias are designed for vertical movement of grain and its processing products in mills, feed mills, elevators, grain dryers...Price: UAH 100,000.
Elevator Machine Factory LLC,Kirovohrad region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
Продам ленту, норию, транспортер 2
1000 hryvnias.
We realize norias with a capacity of up to 100 t/h of the height you need on a counter-drive and gear motor. Noria is a device intended for lifting...Price: 1000 UAH.
Aleksandr,Kirovohrad region., 21-11-2024, Sell/buy
Силоса с плоским дном
Designing of complexes of any complexity for grain drying and storage. Installation of equipment. Warranty and post-warranty service. Consultation p...Price: $35,000
Aleksandr,Kirovohrad region., 21-11-2024, Sell/buy
Виробляємо норії зернові від 5 т до 500 т
1000 грн.
We produce noria grain for vertical movement of grain products from 5 t to 500 t per hour. Our norias for grain lift products ...Price: UAH 1000.
Junior,Kirovohrad region., 08-11-2024, Sell/buy
Скребкові транспортери для зерна від виробника
Buy a scraper conveyor in Ukraine K4UTF-200 K4UTF-320 K4UTF-500 scraper conveyors for grain from the manufacturer, we recommend buying from us....
Junior,Kirovohrad region., 08- 11-2024, Sell/Buy
Вкладки полиуретановые в зерноток, футеровка самотеков
Grain flow lining Lining of gravity pipes grain pipeline lining Polyurethane inserts in grain in diameters of 200, 250, 300, 400 and 580 mm...
Junior,Kirovohrad region., 08 -11-2024, Sell/buy
Бункер накопитель зерна. Бункер охладитель зерна БВ40. Ремонт ЗАВ20. Ремонт КЗС 9
170,000 UAH.
Installation. Dismantling. Construction of grain cleaning complexes ZAV. Repair and reconstruction of ZAV and KZS. Production and installation of upper galleries for automation...
Serhiy,Kirovohrad region., 04-11-2024, Selling
Actual ads
all of Ukraine
Архівні оголошення
Продается действующий Элеватор “Крупяной ток” г. Кропивницкий от владельца 15
For sale Elevator "Krupyanoy Tok" Kropyvnytskyi from the owner as a ready-made business. Address: Kirovohrad region, Kropyvnytskyi, st. R. Slobodian...
Yakovenko Ruslan Olegovich,Kirovohrad region., I will sell
Продам норию
I will sell a noria bu (used)  
16,000 UAH.
Bucket noria 4 m high.
Nikolay Nikolayevich Zhukov,Kirovohrad region., For sale
Продам или сдам в аренду автоэлеватор с крупоцехом на 15000т. единовременного хранения 16
14,000,000 UAH.
Consists of 8 traveling warehouses of different areas. Height 8 m. Along the perimeter of the building on both sides there is a 140m long car ramp. Two security points. Video surveillance...
PVKP "Promagrokompleks",Kirovohrad region., I will sell
Продается элеватор в Кировоградской области 3
Elevator for sale in Petrovsky District of Kirovohrad Region. Object description: Concrete tanks, a container warehouse and a covered tank with a total volume of storage...
Ksenia,Kirovohrad region., For sale
Продам элеватор 5
230 000$
Elevator for sale, lease. The elevator is located in the Kirovohrad region (the town of Novoukrayinka). The built complex includes a two-story office...
Konstantin,Kirovohrad region., For sale
Зернохранилище силосного типа
€171,000|| |837
Быстровозводимые зернохранилища предназначены для приема хранения доосушивания и охлаждения зерна, эксплуатируется при любых атмосферных условиях,...
Aleksandr,Kirovohrad region., Selling
Зерносушилки и элеваторы 16
Delivery, installation, start-up, warranty and service. The entire model range of American Sukup and Delux grain dryers and Sukup containers made of glass...
Aleksandr,Kirovohrad region., Selling
Зерносушилки и силоса США , Турция 3
Уважаемые господа! Наша фирма занимается реализацией, доставкой, гарантийным и послегарантийным ремонтом зерновых сушилок производства ведущих фир...
Андрей Пешехонов,Kirovohrad region., I will sell