Bohdana winter wheat
Country of origin: Ukraine
Breeder (Company, Applicant): Inst. physical growth + MIP
Year of registration: 2006
Type of ear: without...Price: UAH 11,500.
Winter wheat seeds - Poveliya
It belongs to the group of strong varieties of wheat. Maximum productivity is achieved on high agrophones, with inte...Price: UAH 11,500.
Nasnaga - high-intensity variety
Originator: Breeding and Genetic Institute - National Center for Seed Breeding and Breeding.
In the Register...Price: UAH 11,500.
Winter wheat seeds - Khanka (elite)
Originators: Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe Zone of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine In the State Register of Plant Varieties...
Odesa winter wheat
The color of the plants during the growing season is dark green with a weak wax coating. The bush is upright until the phase of emergence into the burrow...
Soft wheat (winter)
The variety is characterized by high endurance to low and medium agrophones, but responds well to the introduction of nitrogen minerals...