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SAD-20 with a cyclone - separator aerodynamic without grate, Luhansk region.
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SAD-20 with a cyclone - separator aerodynamic without mesh, Luhansk region.

Price|| |145135 000 UAH.
Region: Luhansk region.   (M. Kreminna)
For farms with cultivated areas from 1,000 to 3,000 hectares, the SAD-20 aerodynamic separator with a cyclone has been developed and is effective in use .

SAD separators - Aero Dynamic Separators.

Machines for the preparation of high-quality, high-yield seed material.

SAD separators work in 4 modes:
preliminary cleaning of seeds;
primary cleaning of seeds
secondary cleaning of seeds;
calibration of seeds by specific seeds.
SAD calibrates grain by biological value.
The SAD separator separates grains from the middle part of the ear, the beginning, etc.
By buying a GARDEN, you have the opportunity to get a yield increase of up to 40%.

Separator SAD-20 with a cyclone

on preliminary cleaning - up to 30 t/h
on primary cleaning - up to 20 t/h(//
for calibration (sorting) - up to 10 t/h
Power consumption:
15.8 kW
Length - 4550 mm.
Width - 1450 mm.
Height - 3350 mm.
1351 kg.
LLC NPP "Aeromekh" since 2001. SAD successfully manufactures and sells grain aerodynamic separators in 50 countries.
The new method of separation of seeds by specific weight developed by us allows to clean and calibrate any seeds of agricultural crops. Thanks to high-precision calibration, farmers receive high-quality seed material, which increases the yield by up to 40%. In the world, the SAD separator has established itself as a technology for obtaining high-yielding seeds.
Versatility, durability, ease of adjustment, quick transition from culture to culture, a wide model range (from 4 to 150 tons per hour) allow us to meet the needs of both small farms and large seed plants,elevatorov.
The SAD separator provides:
-separation of all types of agricultural crops, starting with small-seeded grasses and ending with beans and pumpkin seeds, separation of hard-to-separate impurities and seeds;
-separation of grain without strict restrictions on humidity and contamination of the source material;
- selection of seeds with high sowing qualities, grains with high gluten content;
-cleaning and calibration of all types of cereals and products of their production;
-calibration of any bulk materials by specific gravity (sand, sawdust, crushed plastic, granite chips, etc.)
Wide range of application
SAD separators occupy a leading position on the market for grain processing. Our business partners include both small farms and the largest grain traders, bread processing plants, bread processing plants, elevators, breeding stations, seed plants, mills, flour mills, oil processing plants, oil extraction plants, distilleries, breweries, and food industry enterprises in 40 countries of the world.сельхозоборудования для доработки зерна! Нашими деловыми партнёрами являются как мелкие фермерские хозяйства, так и крупнейшие зернотрейдеры, хлебоприёмные предприятия, комбинаты хлебопродуктов, элеваторы, селекционные станции, семенные заводы, мельницы, мукомольные заводы, жиркомбинаты, маслоэкстракционные заводы, спиртзаводы, пивзаводы, предприятия пищевой промышленности в 40 странах мира.
Author, contacts
Iryna & Alexander / feedback, info. / activity evaluation
Phone: +38(xxxxxx показати
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Ad ID: #551953 ( added by a registered user, registration date: 01-05-2016)
Added / Updated: 06-01-2024 09:15  (current, until: 05-01-2025)
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