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Veterinary drugs in Poltava region

Sale of veterinary drugs wholesale and retail in Poltava / Poltava region: 58 actual ads from sellers in Poltava region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" gives an excellent opportunity to buy veterinary drugs in Poltava at a favorable price due to a wide selection of products and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, approximately in 1-2 minutes.
Total found, announced: 32 (including archives). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Гематологические реагенты
We supply reagents for most analyzers: Micros, ABX (France) Advia, Siemens (Germany) ACT series, Coulter (USA) Cell Dyn, Abbott (US...
ChP Medicos,Poltava region., 29-08-2024, Sell/buy
Тест системы для диагностики инфекционных заболеваний VMRD
Более 25 лет компания VMRD занимается разработкой и выпуском высококачественных тест-систем для ветеринарии, а также предлагает своим клиентам квал...
ChP Medicos,Poltava region., 29-08-2024, Sell/buy
Тест системы для диагностики инфекционных заболеваний ID-VET
The ID-VET company was founded in 2004 in Montpellier (France) and is managed by scientists who have devoted themselves to the study of infectious diseases.
ChP Medicos,Poltava region., 29-08-2024, Sell/buy
Кислотное пенное моющее средство Детеринокс Минус Фоам НГ
700 hryvnias.
Highly effective foaming acid detergent, used for washing external surfaces of equipment, small containers, large reservoirs...Price: 700 hryvnias.
IKR GROUP,Poltava region., 21-08-2024, Sell/buy
Actual ads
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Archive ads
Стимул імуностимулятор для тварин і птахів 100мл
400 UAH.
Immunostimulator for animals and birds APPLICATION The drug is used as a tonic in a complex of therapeutic measures in the treatment of large...Price: UAH 400.
Marina Korn,Poltava region., I will sell/buy
2590 грн.
Tiamucol powder 500g "Vetsintez" -2590 UAH Application: Treatment of pigs and poultry (chickens, repair young, turkeys) with ...Price: UAH 2590.
Marina corn,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Тиакур, 1 кг. (АТ Біофарм)
3500 UAH.
Tiakur, 1 kg. (JSC Biopharm) Application: Pigs: treatment of animals suffering from dysentery, atrophic rhinitis, enzootic pneumonia, actinobacillosis...Price: UAH 3500.
Marina Korn,Poltava region., For sale
Продажа ветпрепаратов и пчелоинвентаря
Sale of veterinary preparations and inventory for bees. We have favorable prices. Shipping throughout Ukraine. To order, contact by phone. ; Weight...
MAKSYM ZYNKOVSKY,Poltava region., Selling
Нитриловые перчатки для доения коров
115 UAH .
Nitrile gloves for milking cows, durable. not sterile, without powder. In a package of 50 pairs. Available sizes: L, M, S http://milker.in.ua/
Evgeny Volodymyrovych,Poltava region., Selling
Біпін 0.5 гр. Бипин Апи-сан
13 UAH.
Bipin 0.5 gr The solution is used for the treatment and prevention of the varroa mite. Processing of bee colonies is carried out in the fall with a minimum number of ...
Tamara,Poltava region., Selling
Біпін 1 гр. Бипин Апи-сан
15 hryvnias.
Dosage and use: mix 2 liters of water and 1 ml of the drug "Bipin". Processing of bee colonies is carried out in the fall at a minimum k...
Tamara,Poltava region., Selling
69 UAH.
Fumisan (Fumisan) is an acaricidal drug in the form of plates, intended for the treatment of varroatosis of honey bees. Fumisan contains ...
Tamara,Poltava region., Selling
110 UAH.
Varotom is used for the treatment of bee colonies from varroatosis. There are 10 plates in the package. One plate contains 80 mg of fluvalinate. It is used earlier ...
Tamara,Poltava region., Selling
105 UAH.
Varostop (Flumetrhinum). Manufacturer: "Primavet-Sofia" OOD Bulgaria Composition: Each strip consists of 3.6 mg of Flumethrinum. In a package...
Tamara,Poltava region., I will sell
Интермитокс, 1л средство от куринных клещей и других паразитов
1200 грн.
A means against ticks and other ectoparasites. Proven spray concentrate for livestock premises. Effective fast and prolong...
Pavel,Poltava region., Selling
Трисульмікс 1л антибиотик, кокцидиостатик
700 UAH.
For sale Trisulmix 1l antibiotic, coccidiostat. France Manufacturer Merial The original expiration date is not expired. All questions by phone...
Pavel,Poltava region., For sale
Продам Чеми спрей
115 UAH.
Chemy spray Spain Intended for treatment of surgical and accidental wounds, treatment of ulcers and open abscesses. Bottle of 200 ml. Wounds heal very well ...
Larisa,Poltava region., I will sell
Интермитокс Intermitox оригинал
1000 UAH.|| |751
INTERMITOKS. Фармацевтична форма: Розчин. Алюмінієва пляшка місткістю 1 л. Фармакологічні властивості: АТС —vet класифікаційний код: QP53- Ек...
Anastasia,Poltava region., Selling
Кубатол (Kubatol) спрей 150 мл с дегтем
80 грн.
This drug is intended for the treatment of diseases of the nails, hooves and skin of animals. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of abrasions, wounds, eczema...
Sergey,Poltava region., Selling
Колистин 6М
850 UAH.
Description White powder. Composition 1 g of the drug contains the active substance: colistin sulfate - 6,000,000 IU.
Sergey,Poltava region., Selling
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