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Varofarm tick strips, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region.
Варофарм полоски от клеща, Украина
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Varofarm tick strips, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region.|| |126

Цена42 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region. (Dnipro)
Дощечки из шпона, пропитанные маслянистым раствором.

1 tablet contains the active substance:
flumethrin - 3.6 mg.
Auxiliary substance: solvent

Pharmacological properties
Synthetic pyrethroid - flumethrin, applied to veneer boards, has a pronounced contact insecticidal and acaricidal effect (up to 100%) against the causative agent of varroatosis - the mite Varroa jacobsoni. Flumethrin has an exceptionally selective effect against Varroa destructor mites (Varroa jacobsoni) - it paralyzes their nervous system, significantly reducing their population, and does not harm bee coloniesbee colonies.

For detection (diagnosis), prevention and destruction of varroa mites in honey bees.

Lower the boards and fix them in the interframe space of the hive, in the central zone of the bee nest:
- bee families with normal development - four strips;
- weakened families, brood families and families of young worker bees occupying less than half of the interframe space in the hive - two strips.(//tractor-service.com)
Duration of application - no less than 15 days, but no more than 6 weeks.
To detect varroa mites, a white sheet of paper soaked in petroleum jelly or cooking fat is placed on the bottom of the hive, the boards are lowered and left for 24 hours, after which the paper sheet is carefully removed and examined.
Before use, pull a metal or wooden pin through the hole in the board and fix it vertically in the center, between the two frames of the bee nest.
Bee colonies are processed in early spring - after the first inspection of the colonies; in summer - at the end of July or at the beginning of August; in the fall after pumping out honey.

Do not use "Varofarm" during honey collection, do not put between frames with brood (except in cases of severe infection).

Open the package immediately before use.
Use protective equipment during processing. Burn the boards after use.
After processingbee families "Varofarm" honey is pumped out no earlier than after 10 days and used without restrictions.

Release form
Package with 10 veneer boards.

A dry, inaccessible place for children at a temperature of no higher than 25 °С, separately from food and feed.
Shelf life - 2 years. Details: https://medoray.top/p743450507-varofarm-ukraina.html
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