Producer Myronovsky Wheat Institute
The vegetation period is 264 days.
Tare unit
The yield potential is 81.8 t/ha.
The height of the plant is 75-80 cm.
Frost resistance 7 points
Drought resistance 8 points
Resistance to lodging 7 points
An early-ripening, short-stemmed variety of Myrlena winter wheat, which has proven itself excellently in the Polesia and Steppe zones.
The variety requires 264 days to go through the complete vegetative cycle from germination
seeds to threshing of plants.
The variety is resistant to climatic changes, it has average resistance to frosty winters and hot summers with possible droughts.
The variety has well-developed economic properties - resistance to shedding and germination of
grain in the ear, it is weakly affected by pathogenic diseases and harmful insects. During the growing season, the variety forms a bush of an intermediate type, at the base of which there are strong stems 75-80 cm high, not prone to lying down.
The plants are covered with dark green leaves with a slight
coat of wax. A white spike of cylindrical shape is formed on their top. It has average length and grain density.
Hard, white spines grow along the entire length of the ear, which are of medium size. Medium-sized red grains are placed in the cells of the ear. They are covered with lanceolate-elongated scales all over the ear.
The mass of 1000 threshed, dry grains reaches 48 g.
Myrlena is a winter variety for intensive cultivation.