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Vyacheslav / reviews, info.
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 / Оголошення користувача - Вячеслав

Ads of the user - Vyacheslav

Total found, ads: 186 (including archived ones). Shown: 20 - 40. Display mode:
Archive ads
Продам зерновідход
Forage grain;50 tons
1800 hryvnias.
I will sell corn waste Poltava The price is 1800 Humidity 14 Grain 40-60 Type 550 0999353514Price: UAH 1,800.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Forage grain;47 tons
13,300 UAH.
I will sell 45-50 tons of soybeans Quality 10 moisture, 1 garbage, 38 protein Reshetylivka, Poltava region Price 13300, ф2Price: 13 300 UAH.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Фуражне зерно;150 tons
3700 UAH.
For sale Corn 150 tons Quality - Guest Poltava itself, warehouse The price is 3700, f2 0999353514Price: UAH 3700.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Продам 30тн зерновідходів
Продовольче зерно;30 tons
2000 UAH.
Grain waste from corn 30 tons Humidity 14 Grain 40-60 type 550-600 The price is 2000 Poltava, Poltava regionPrice: UAH 2000.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Закуповуємо соняшник некондиційний. Низька олійність, малонатурний, кислотний, із запахом 2
Forage grain;2000 tons
We are buying non-standard sunflower. Low oiliness, low-natured, acidic, smell Self-delivery, calculation on scales
Vyacheslav,Dnipropetrovsk region., I will buy
Продам сою 35тн 2
Forage grain;35 tons
Reshetylivka, Poltava region. 25-35tn, prot 38, sor 1, house 10. Price $300, f2.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Продовольче зерно
We are buying yellow millet. Pickup by own vehicle, any form of payment. Calculation on scales. Call
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will buy
Forage grain
We constantly buy: Corn, wet, from the field Corn waste A by-product of corn Expired seed corn Soy, poor condition...
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will buy
Продам кукурудзу 23тн
Forage grain;23 tons
4300 UAH. / ton
I will sell corn 23 tons, Poltava Dry, odorless, damaged 16 The price is 4300, f2 0999353514
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Продам нестандартну куку 3
Forage grain;100 tons
3600 UAH.
I will sell 100 tons of corn Vol 15, malty smell Price 3600, cash, Reshetylivka
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Фуражне зерно;500 tons
I will buy corn, self-delivery, calculation on scales
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will buy
Forage grain;20 tons
4200 UAH.
I will buy wheat, 20 tons. The price is 4200 in Reshtilivka, or 4000 on the spot.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will buy
Продам ячмінь 30тн
Forage grain;30 tons
4000 UAH.
I will sell 30 tons of spring barley Nature 610 Humidity 15.6 Garbage 3.3 Price 4000, cash. Self-removal from the farm
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам зерновідход, побічний продукт з пшениці
Forage grain;30 tons
3600 UAH.
Dry, odorless. Household, Reshetylivka, Poltava region. Price 3600
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам пшеницю з 20 клейковиною 2
Food grain;150 tons
4800 UAH.
I will sell wheat, 150 tons Nature 713 Humidity 13.5% Zernova 16 (hits 13, incomplete 3) Protein 11.5 Gluten 20 The price is 4800 f2 Reshetilivka
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Forage grain;400 tons
I will sell cake 400 tons quality 14/2/10, mannitol with Pokrovske, Reshetiliv district Price $143
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам відход проса
Forage grain;100 tons
600 UAH. / ton
I will sell millet waste 80 tons Dry, nature 320 The price is UAH 600 Valky, Kharkiv Region
Vyacheslav,Kharkiv region., Selling
Продам биту пшеницю
Forage grain;50 tons
2500 UAH dry, nature 690 Krasnograd, Kharkiv region The price is 2500, f2 0999353514
Пролам побічний продукт з пш 50тн сухий, натура 690 Красноград, харківськ обл Ціна 2500,ф2 0999353514
Vyacheslav,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Food grain;40 tons
11,500 UAH.
I will sell 40 tons of soybeans Poltava Prot 40, dry ox 12 The price is 11500, ф2
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам мучку кукурузную, у мішках
Фуражне зерно;50 tons
For sale, #corn flour, dry, nature 450 bulk. Poltava I will sell corn flour packed in a bag. Kharkiv
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Selling
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