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Vyacheslav / reviews, info.
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 / Оголошення користувача - Вячеслав

Ads of the user - Vyacheslav

Total found, ads: 186 (including archived ones). Displayed: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Закуповуємо некондиційну пшеницю та кукурудзу. Пророслу, сажкову, зіпсовану із запахом
Forage grain;500 tons
We purchase substandard wheat and corn on an ongoing basis. Beaten, sprouted, spoiled, wilted, powdery mildew, fusarium, with a smell. Grain waste ...
Vyacheslav,Kyiv, 28-09-2024, I will buy
Куплю некондиційну кукурудзу, пшеницю. Зерновідходи 5
Forage grain;500 tons
I will buy non-standard corn and wheat. From the field, wet, main, sajka with increased grain, spoiled, with a smell. I will buy grain waste kuku...
Vyacheslav,Kyiv, 28-09-2024, I will buy
Fodder grain;100 tons
I will sell soybeans 100 tons The price is $305 Reshetylivka, Poltava region PROTEIN 36.3 (per dry matter) Humidity 7.90% Mass fraction of oil 22.9 Garbage impurity...Price: $305
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 23-09-2024, Sell/buy
Forage grain;1000 tons
12,000 UAH.
We are buying soybeans. The price is 12,000 Calculation on scales Self-delivery is available from 24 tonsPrice: UAH 12,000.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 21-09-2024, I will buy
Пролам спельту
Продовольче зерно;52 tons
Spelt for sale 52 tons, packing - Beg Nature 410 Magdalinivka, Dnipropetrovsk region
Vyacheslav,Dnipropetrovsk region., 21-09-2024, Sell/buy
Forage grain;1000 tons
5800 hryvnias.
We are buying corn, calculation on scales. Reshetylivka, Poltava regionPrice: UAH 5,800.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 17-09-2024, I will buy
Куплю зерновідходи з кукурудзи 2
Forage grain;200 tons
Self-delivery, payment on scales
Vyacheslav,Dnipropetrovsk region., 12-09-2024, I will buy
Фуражне зерно
We are buying non-conditions of all crops, problematic. Pickup.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 12-09-2024, I will buy
Продам мертвий відход соняшника 3
Food grain;200 tons
500 hryvnias.
I will sell 200 tons of dead sunflower waste. They are from the street, there are lumps, cakes. Reshetylivka, Poltava regionPrice: UAH 500.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 02-09-2024, Sell/buy
Forage grain
We buy corn, weed it, weed it. And also a by-product, quarters of halves. Any form of payment. Pickup Stanislav;.
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 25-07-2024, I will buy
Закупаем отходы зерновых, масличных
Food grain
Corn, wet Corn waste A by-product of corn Expired seed corn Soybeans, non-conformity, by-product Cereal...
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 04-04-2024, I will buy
Фуражне зерно;500 tons
I will buy substandard, low-protein soybeans Pickup
Vyacheslav,Odesa region., 24-10-2023, I will buy
Фуражне зерно
We buy grain waste, by-products, and straw. Pickup
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., 24-10-2023, I will buy
Archive ads
Продам прострочений посівмат кукурудзи
Forage grain;24 tons
1400 UAH. / ton
Poltava Expired sowmat kuk 26 tons 1400, f2
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Forage grain;25 tons
4500 UAH. / ton
Buy barley, price 4500 in Reshetylivka, Poltava region. Pickup is possible
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Buy
Forage grain;26 tons
13,000 UAH.
I will sell 26 tons of soybeans. Prot 35 is dry moisture 10 sor 1 The price is 13200, f2
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Фуражне зерно;50 tons
3200 UAH.
I will sell 50 tons of corn Ox 16.3 See 1 Zernova 4 The price is 3200, f2 Mala Pereshchepyna, Poltava region
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Продовольче зерно;1000 tons
I will sell 1000 tons of sunflower. Reshetylivka, Poltava region Quality 8/3, oil 46-50% The price is $285 per tn, f2 0999353514
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам соняшник на ядро 3
Food grain;14 tons
Sunflower kernels for sale 14 tons, Poltava Nature 380 floor 8.6 sor 2
Vyacheslav,Poltava region., I will sell
Forage grain;200 tons
2300 hryvnias.
200 tons, Romny, Sumy region Humidity 13.5 Type 550-600 Price 2300
Vyacheslav,Sumy region., Selling
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Terms of sale, delivery and payment
Any form of payment