ukr RUS

Bees , honey and beekeeping products, equipment in the Donetsk region

Total found, ads: 232 (including archived ones). Shown: 200-220. Режим відображення:
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Archived announcements
Продам термоулей 3
800 UAH.
Insulated hive made of plywood and foam. Lounger - 24 frames. Hinged roof with fixation. Slider-type flywheel valves. The landing board is removable. Day...Price: UAH 800.
Valery,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
4 грн.
I will sell frames for beehives: dadan 4.2 UAH; rue 4 hryvnias Region - Donetsk, Donetsk region.Price: UAH 4.
Maxim,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Гомогенат трутневых личинок с собственной пасеки
3 UAH.
I am selling homogenate of drone larvae from my own apiary 0660687922. I deliver drone homogenate throughout Ukraine in frozen form. Wasp delivery...Price: UAH 3.
Dmitry,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Sale of clues  || |449
Продам улики б/у.в хорошем состоянии однокорпусные и многокорпусные 100-150 гр
Tatiana,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Prices: Dadan frame 2.7 UAH, Ruta 2.5, Magazinnaya 2.3; Ulya Lezhak 400 UAH.; Multi-body, Store 65 UAH, Body Dadan 300 95 UAH, Ruta 85 UAH, Bottom 75 UAH, Kry...
Sasha,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
3000 UAH.
Metal platform, size 8/2,2, for migration of bees. The price is 3000 UAH. I will also sell empty beehives, inventory.Price: UAH 3000.
Nikolay Ivanovich,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
20,000 UAH.
Good house on wheels, with thermal insulation, size - 2.2/5.6. Price: 20,000 UAH.
Nikolay Ivanovich,Donetsk region., Selling
Urgent sale of evidence with bees, price negotiable in the city of Donetsk, Kirovsky District
Petr Ivanovich,Donetsk region., Selling
Bakfast bee packs  | ||591
Продам пчелопакеты Бакфаст Донецкая, Днепропетровская, Харьковская область Цена по телефону 050 995 55 67 Константин
Konstantin,Donetsk region., I will sell
Продам пчелосемьи, улии, инвентарь для пчеловодства 2
140 UAH strong, treated from ticks, uterus K...
Продажа пчелинных семей 1 семья стоит 1000 грн., а так же в продаже улии и инвентарь для пчеловодтва Семьи сильные, обработанные от клещей, матки К...
Inna,Donetsk region., I will sell
I will sell bees for a full frame. Enakievo. The price is negotiable. All questions by phone +380509162123 (Aleksandr Ivanovich)
Aleksandr,Donetsk region., I will sell
1200 hryvnias.
Beehives for sale in Horlovka, Donetsk region. Breed - Ukrainian steppe, in a family - 8 frames, price per family - 1200 UAH.
Aleksandr,Donetsk region., For sale
20.25 hryvnias.
I will sell honey frames and dried fruit (various) in the amount of 1000 pieces, as well as used beehives.
Aleksandr,Donetsk region., Selling
Медогонка 3
800 hryvnias.
I will sell 2 3x frame honey combs of 800 g, non-returnable, good condition for 4+
Igor Evgenyevich,Donetsk region., I will sell
Пчелопакеты и пчелосемьи в Донецке 2
I will sell bee packs and bee colonies of the "Karpatka" breed in Donetsk, in April-May. A pack of bees - 600 hryvnias, a colony of bees - 1000 hryvnias. Delivery possible...
Yakymovych Igor Anatolyevich,Donetsk region., I will sell
Куплю мед липовый..мед акации.
I will buy linden honey expressed in a white matte color. Acacia honey is non-seedy and not cloudy.
Viktor Ivanov,Donetsk region., I will buy
150 hryvnias.
Urgent sale of used hives in good condition with frames and mattresses. There are 5 pieces. For all questions, contact by phone. 050-173-39-93 Tatiana. Ul...
Tatiana,Donetsk region., I will sell
200 hryvnias.
I will sell used 3-body evidence, frames for them (new), honey comb for 3 used frames
Larisa,Donetsk region., I will sell
1000 грн.
I will sell a family of bees in the Donetsk region (Krasnohorovka). +380679609003. Mikhail
Mihail Nikolaevich,Donetsk region., I will sell
Продам ульи-лежаки, рамки, рамки с вощиной
9 UAH Frames with wire for 9 hryvnias Frames with wax for 17 hryvnias Dry light for 20 hryvnias Wax 5 kg (pack) - UAH 375
Ульи-лежаки на 20-24 рамки-300-800грн Рамки с проволокой по 9 грн Рамки с вощиной по 17 грн Сушь светлая по 20 грн Вощина 5 кг(пачка)-375 грн
Aleksandr Semenovych,Donetsk region., Selling
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