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Vegetable oil in Donetsk region

Wholesale and retail sale of vegetable oil in Donetsk / Donetsk region: 459 current ads from sellers in Donetsk region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy vegetable oil in Donetsk at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found, ads: 14 (including archived ones). Displayed: 1 - 14. Display mode:
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Олія соняшникова /Масло подсолнечное /нерафінована наливом та фасована 2
38 hryvnias.
Unrefined and refined sunflower oil from the manufacturer in bulk 5-50 tons, packaged 0.920g (1l) from 53.00 hon, 4,600 g (5 l) from UAH 266.00 With ...Price: UAH 38.
Ekaterina,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Продам масло Календулы лекарственной
75 UAH .
MEDICATED CALENDULA OIL It has an antiseptic, bactericidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, softening effect, very useful...Price: UAH 75.
Elena Svetlaya,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Растительное масло 3
Vegetable oil  || |648
Предприятия на постоянной основе реализует Растительные масла холодного отжима (тыквенное, льняное, миндальное, черный тмин, кунжутное, конопляное...
Alexandr Vladimirovich,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Продажа растительных масел
Self-refining vegetable oils. Oil for sale: Sesame Black sesame Walnut Black cumin (Kalinji) Linseed oil Yes...
Alexandr Vladimirovich,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
The Singaporean company sells unrefined oil for export. And, also by bulking into a barge and by a flexitank of 500 to 5,000 tons. Payment methods: LC-...Price: $1030
Oleh Valeryevich,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Продам масло подсолнечника
I will sell oil sunflower
Olena Valentinivna,Donetsk region., Sell/buy
Предлагаем масло подсолнечное нерафинированное жаренное
We offer unrefined roasted sunflower oil for bottling, manufacturer, price negotiable.
Olga,Donetsk region., Selling
Масло подсолнечное техническое
11,500 UAH.| ||784
Производим и реализуем на постоянной основе масло подсолнечное техническое. Price: UAH 11,500.
Andrey,Donetsk region., Selling
Масло и жмых подсолнечное 3
Vegetable oil from the producer, edible and technical. High-protein and low-protein cake. Technical. Autonorms. Call, let's make an agreement....
Hryadkin Sergey,Donetsk region., I will sell
I will sell oil sunflower, unrefined from 1t. per week on a permanent basis
Petr,Donetsk region., Selling
Масло нерафинированное! Доброполье. Маслобойня.
777 UAH.
The farm sells unrefined sunflower oil on a permanent basis. Sunflower processing services are also available. Location...
Vadim,Donetsk region., I will sell
Продам масло подсолнечное жареное не рафинированное
7.5 UAH .
Sunflower oil of our own production on tap is for sale. Wholesale and retail sales. Oil from roasted sunflower seeds, not refined...
Aleksandr,Donetsk region., Selling
Горчичное масло
10.98 UAH.
OOO DPTF "Faktoria" permanently produces and sells mustard oil. (050) 3266864 (062)2039888, 2774078
Iryna,Donetsk region., I will sell
I will sell sunflower oil wholesale! High-quality pressed oil, possible delivery in the region! price 10-60! 0509890106
Igor,Donetsk region., Selling
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