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Fruits, berries, nuts in Vinnytsia region

Sale of fruits, berries, nuts in groups (wholesale) and retail in Vinnytsia / Vinnytsia region: 2652 actual ads from farmers of Vinnytsia region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy fruits, berries, nuts in Vinnytsia at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found, ads: 350. Displayed: 1 - 20. Display mode:
17грн Продам Яблуко у розмірі 7+ в окрасі, без пошкоджень в асортименті 8
17 UAH.
PRICE 17 UAH CURRENT I will sell apples from my own garden. Apple in size 7+ and in color, assortment and volume. Varieties: Golden, Champion, Semeren...Price: UAH 17.
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Продам яблука з саду 3
Good day, we have started selling apples from the garden. To date, the sizes are in the following colors: Gala snow-red, Golden, Jreomin.
Misha,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Продам яблука з власного саду, сорту Чорний принц, Фуджі, Голден, Сімеренко 8
Varieties: Black Prince, Fuji, Gorets, Decosta, Simerenko, Golden, Jeromini (Red Chief). First grade from 7+
Vitaly,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Продам яблука 4
Honey Crisp, Decosta, Champion, Golden, Red Prince, Ligol, Fuji apples for sale. Various colors, size from 7+. The price is negotiable.
Slavik,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Куплю орех грецкий ядро, горіх, кругляк.Куплю волоський горіх, Вінницька обл
I will buy a walnut in the volume of 1/2+, 1/2, 1/4. all questions by phone. price negotiable
Sergey Vasilyevich,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, I will buy
Продам яблука з власного саду 2
I will sell apples, currently in the size and color of Golden, Bayamaris
Artur,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Груша переробка
Purchase of pears for industrial processing (jam juice puree, etc.) WITHOUT ROT, minimum volume from 25 tons, self-delivery, price negotiable, cash...
Sales manager on the market of goods and services,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, I will buy
Продам яблука 17
Apples for sale 7+ Jonagold. Golden. Idared. .Black Prince.Fuji. Details by phone.
Oleksandr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Продам ТОВАРНЕ яблуко 5
17 UAH.
I will sell PERFECT commercial apple from the orchard of Golden, Semerenko, Florina, Champion, Modi, Dicosta, Redchief varieties. The price is negotiable. Call Bohdan.Price: UAH 17.
Bohdan,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Продам яблука з власного саду в асортименті та об#039;ємі 4
I will sell apples from my own garden in assortment and volume. The apple is the same size and color, without damage (scab, mesh). Convenient location of asphalt...
Bohdan,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Продам Яблука ІДЕАЛЬНОЇ якості 8
17 UAH.
I will sell apples of autumn and winter varieties: Golden, Florina, Champion, Semerenka. Caliber from 7+, clean apples (without scabs and mesh), processed for preservation...Price: UAH 17.
Bohdan,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, I will sell
Продам Підбір Падилицю
Продам з саду Падилицю з саду
Bohdan,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Продам товарне яблуко з саду в асортименті та об#039;ємі 12
16 hryvnias.
I will sell apples from the garden in assortment and volume. . Varieties: Golden, Champion, Modi, Janagold, Jerome, Semerenko, Florina, Idared. An apple the size of...Price: UAH 16.
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Яблуко ДжерамінЧемпіон, Голден, Семеренка, Флоріна Моді Джанаголд, Ред Чіф Айдаред з саду 8
17 UAH.
I will sell apples from my own garden in assortment and volume. Varieties: Golden, Champion, Modi, Janagold, Red Chief Semerenko, Florina, Idared. Apple in rose...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Яблука в асортименті без парші 7
17 hryvnias.
Apples from our own garden, harvest 2024 in assortment and volume. Varieties:: Jeramin Golden, Champion, Semerenko, Florina, Idared. An apple without damage...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Яблука в окрасі без парші та граду 7
I will sell apples from my own garden in an assortment of Varieties: Golden, Champion, Semerenko, Florina, Idared and volume. An apple in size and color, without p...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Яблука з саду в асортименті, розмір 11
I will sell apples from my own garden in assortment and volume. The apple is 7+ in size and in color, without damage (scab, mesh). Varieties: Golden, Champion,...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Яблуко Голден Семеренко Флоріна Джеромін ВИСОКА Якість, Винница 8
Apple Golden apples excellent quality first grade. The Vinnytsia region also has varieties Champion, Modi, Golden, Florina, Decosta Jerome Idared. A convenient place r...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Голден без парші та граду у розмірі 7
I will sell apples of the Golden variety from my own garden without scab and hail. There are also varieties Champion, Florina, Idared, Golden, Modi. The garden is located in Vinnytsia...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Яблуко Семеренка Сортове 3
I will sell it from the Semerenka Orchard. Without scab and hail, there is volume, there are also Champion Mody Golden, Florina, Andared varieties. It is possible to stack or layer an apple in...
Volodymyr,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, Selling
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