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Services for agriculture in Vinnytsia region|| |375

6493 актуальних оголошень щодо пропозиції - попиту на послуги для сільського господарства: прямі контакти, без посередників
Total found, ads: 221. Showing: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Упакування зернорукава перевантажувач 6
Service or rental of PBN-40 and PBN-25 factory KOBZARENKO with tractor and crew. The price is negotiable, depends on the scope of work. The minimum volume of work is 10,000 to...
Andrushchak,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, I will provide a service
Послуги бункера перевантажувача зерна в полі 2
Service or Rental of a grain loader at the KOBZARENKA plant without and with a tractor and crew The price is negotiable, depends on the volume of work, approximate price: 7...
Andrushchak,Vinnytsia region., 12-10-2024, I will provide a service
Вариатори ремонт реставрація 3
2500 UAH.
Repair and restoration of variatorsPrice: UAH 2500.
Igor,Vinnytsia region., 11-10-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт гідроциліндрів до спецтехники, ремонт гідроциліндрів телескопічних
Repair of hydraulic cylinders Replacement of hydraulic cylinder repair kits, Replacing the hydraulic seals of the hydraulic cylinder, Repair of mechanical damage to the rod...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service
Восстановление валов и осей! Самое быстрое и качественное saf, ror, bpw
Recovery of shafts and axles! The fastest and most qualitative restoration of any shafts and axles Repair of axles restoration of carvings, landings under...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, Nadam service
Ремонт осей бпв, ремонт осей saf, ремонт оси bpw, ремонт осей ror
Reinstatement of threading on axles, axle repair, repair of saf axles, bpw axle repair, semi-trailer axle repair, repair of BPV axles, axle repair...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service || |559
Ремонт гидроцилиндра Джон дир, класс, маз, камаз
Repair of hydraulic cylinders of John Deere Repair of hydraulic cylinders Repair of hydraulic cylinders John dir Repair of John Deere hydraulic cylinders Repair of hydraulic...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт вала дробилки, ремонт дробарки, восстановление вала дробилки СМД
Crusher repair SMD-109, SMD-110, SMD-111 METSO crusher shaft repair, restoration of the shaft of the SMD crusher, restoration of the shaft of the KSD1500 crusher, restoration...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09- 10-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт оси bpw, saf, ror, frh, trl
Repair and service of trailers and semi-trailers Schmitz Cargobull, Krone, Kogel, Schwarzmuller, Trailor, Kassbohrer, Lohr, Rolf...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, Nadam service
Ремонт телескопических гидроцилиндров
Repair of telescopic hydraulic cylinders You can repair hydraulic cylinders with us it is important to make timely diagnosis and rem...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, Nadam service
Ремонт осей полуприцепов всех типов и марок BPW, SAF, Mercedes
Repair of SAF axle We carry out restoration and repair of semi-trailer axles of all types and brands BPW, SAF, Mercedes and others cracks, fractures, reconstruction...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонтирует оси Саф интракс, рор, бпв
Repairs Saf intrax, ror, bpv axles Repair of axles of trailers, semi-trailers of cargo transport and special equipment Repair of axles Car service services R...
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт гидроусилителей руля ремонт ГУР грузовых авто Камаз, ЗиЛ, Газ и др
Repair of hydraulic power steering repair of power steering Repair of hydraulic power steering of trucks Kamaz, ZyL, Gaz, etc Power steering repair
Junior,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service
Автокран КАТО услуги аренда Винница - кран 10, 25 т, 120, 200 тн, 300 тонн 6
550 UAH .
Rental of cranes and autocranes in Vinnytsia and other cities and in 8 regions of Ukraine - load capacity from 10 to 400 tons. To carry out loading...Price: UAH 550.
Crane - Truck crane | Rent,Vinnytsia region., 09-10-2024, I will provide a service
Оказываем услуги по опрыскиванию полей, внесение гербицидов, десикация
We carry liquid fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides. Imported self-propelled sprayers John Deere 4730, 4940. Working width 30-36 m. Ready to respond to...
Denis Andreevich,Vinnytsia region., 08-10-2024, I will provide the service
Культивация почвы
Трактора John Deere 8400, 8410 проводят культивацию почвы. Культиваторы Tiger Mate. Работаем по всей Украине, условия и цены обговариваем в зависим...
Denis Andreevich,Vinnytsia region., 08-10-2024, I will provide the service
Дисковка и вспашка
Services of disking and plowing with Case 340 tractors, AMAZONE Catros 7.5 m disc harrows, Lemken 7 m harrows, 6-body reversible plows Gregoire Be available...
Denis Andreevich,Vinnytsia region., 08-10-2024, I will provide the service
Оказываем услуги посева подсолнечника, кукурузы
We carry out sowing with imported Kinza, Gaspardo seeders. The equipment is in excellent condition, the trained and professional crew carries out the work qualitatively. ...
Denis Andreevich,Vinnytsia region., 08-10-2024, I will provide a service
Ангари, сховища, гаражі, цехи, адмінбудівлі - металоконструкції, матеріали, монтаж 9
We carry out: completion of building materials and installation of metal hangars, storages, cow sheds, pig houses, poultry houses, garages for equipment , warehouses, hall...
MANUFACTURER OF SANDWICH PANELS,Vinnytsia region., 08-10-2024, I will provide a service
Негабаритные перевозки Винница, перевозка негабаритных грузов тралом в Виннице, негабарит 7
100 UAH.
We provide oversized transportation services across Ukraine. Transportation of oversized cargo by trawl in Vinnytsia, across the region and throughout the country. We transport a trawl...Price: UAH 100.
Mikhail,Vinnytsia region., 08-10-2024, I will provide a service
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