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Зарибок, мальок риби, запліднена ікра в Києві

Sale of stock in a group (wholesale) and retail in Kyiv: 96 actual ads from sellers in Kyiv with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy stock in Kyiv at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 10 ads. Shown: 1 - 10. Display mode:| ||311
Рыбки для пруда, цветные карпы кои, купить оптом карп кои, малек карп кои, нимфеи, корм для кои 16
10 €
Предлагаем вам купить и получить исчерпывающую информацию по карпам кои на нашем сайте. Японские Карпы Кои. название кои происходит из японского ... Price: 10 €
Carp koi Ukraine,Kyiv, 30-08-2024, Продам / купити
Карпы Кои Украина, рыбки для пруда, корм для кои, водные растения, пруд, аквариум, рыбоводство 10
300 hryvnias.
A pond with fish in the garden plot of a dacha or cottage. Services: 1. placement of a garden pond with fish. 2. landscape design. 3. placement ...Price: UAH 300.
Korop koi Ukraine,Kyiv, 30-08-2024, Selling / buy
Линь, Венгерской селекции
80 hryvnias.
We have Hungarian Lynx chicks in stock. A weighted crop of 60-70 grams costs UAH 80. Lyn is beautiful and healthy! The species is fast-growing and resistant and...Price: UAH 80.
Taya,Kyiv, 06-22-2024, Sell/buy
Все виды осетра! Малёк! Киев
70 UAH.
There are: Sevryuga, Sterbel, Bester, Beluzhy Bester, Lensky, Beluga, Kaluga, Oeslonos, Russian Sturgeon. The price is different, it depends on the type and the number of orders...Price: UAH 70.
Taya,Kyiv, 22-06-2024, Sell/buy
Крупный зарыбок Осетра
1500 UAH.
Commercial sturgeon weighing 2-4 kg. There are different types of sturgeons. (Sterlyad, Bester, Lensky) A special barrel and oxygen are required for transportation. We are nachos...
Taya,Kyiv, 22-06-2024, Sell/buy
Жива риба 2
85 грн.
Commodity carp, 2-year-old breeding carp UAH 85. (Delivery included)
Ivan Ivanovich,Kyiv, 22-03-2024, Sell/buy
Карпы кои цена, аквариум, рыбки пруд, малек карп кои, карп кои оптом, ферма карп кои, зоомагазин 20
100 UAH.
Koi carp, buy koi carp fry, koi carp wholesale , fish for the pond, Japanese carp, koi carp in Kiev. We offer to buy in a reservoir. fry ( ...
Сергей Олимпийский,Kyiv, 08-02-2024, I will sell
Личинка коропа, білого амура, білого товстолоба та гібрида б.т. в сторону білого 9
9000 UAH.
We sell carp larvae, white grass carp, white crucian carp and hybrid white crucian carp in the direction of white crucian carp. Location Kyiv region...
Kirill Nikolaevich; Yuriy Nikolaevich,Kyiv, 06-02-2024, I will sell
Карпа гипофиз, короповий гіпофіз 5
Carp pituitary gland, carp pituitary gland, carp pituitary gland. The price is for 1 g (1000 mg). The gland was taken from sexually mature fish at the appropriate time of the year...
Kirill Nikolaevich; Yuriy Nikolaevich,Kyiv, 06-02-2024, Selling
Продаем оплодотворенную икру. Бестер, стерлядь, осетр 3
Fertilized caviar is for sale. Sterlet - $900/kg.
 Bester - $1500.00/kg
 Lensky/Siberian sturgeon - $1300.00/kgRussian sturgeon - $2700.00/...
Lesya,Kyiv, 16-11-2023, Selling
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