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Organic fertilizers in Chernihiv region

Sale of organic fertilizers by group (wholesale) and retail in Chernihiv / Chernihiv region: 186 actual ads from sellers of the Chernihiv region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy organic fertilizers in Chernihiv at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 18 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 18. Display mode:
Біогумус вермікомпост просіяний добриво для саду городу компост у мішку 10 і 30 кг 8
245 UAH.
Biohumus is a product of organic processing by Californian worms. Small dry black granules. It is easily applied, nourishes the soil and m...Price: UAH 245.
Tetyana Vasylivna,Chernihiv region., 09-10-2024, Sell/buy
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Archive ads
Добрива органічні фосфорні і фосфорно-калійні 5
RK Granfoska Humic Active:
Andrii Didenko,Chernihiv region., Sell/buy
Азотфиксатор инокулянт по семенам Азогран
UAH 230.
Azogran Bio Complex bacterial preparation. It has the Organic Standard certification Release form: liquid. Packaging: canisters of 5 l and 10 l Effect...Price: UAH 230.
Sale fertilized, SZR,Chernihiv region., Продам / купити
Гаупсин Био инсекто-фунгицид
30 hryvnias.
Complex biopreparation designed to protect plants from pests and pathogens, an excellent inoculant Effect of application: Effective...Price: UAH 30.
For sale, fertilized, SZR,Chernihiv region.| ||524, Продам / купити
Гумат калію концентрований
990 UAH.
Ballast-free potassium humate, concentrated phyto +. The total content of humic substances is 80-100 grams per liter. The content of fulvic acids is 25-35 grams per liter...Price: UAH 990.
LLC "Poliski humati",Chernihiv region., Sell/buy
Удобрение навоз коровий
Продаем навоз коровий от фермерского хозяйства.Цена 200 грн/тн. Самовывоз в любых колличествах. Подробности по тел
Chernihivelite potatoes,Chernihiv region., Sell/buy
I will sell cow manure - the best fertilizer for your garden. The price is negotiable. Pickup only! Additional questions by phone
Nikolay Ivanovich,Chernihiv region., I will sell
Продам органический куриный помет от кур вольного выгула 2
Organic chicken litter from free-range chickens. The poultry was kept in accordance with the French organic standard Label Rouge. The bird fed...
Dmitry,Chernihiv region., Selling
570 UAH.
Sapropel-based organic fertilizer for sale. It is produced according to TU U 20.1-2500609958-001:2014. The composition includes: bottom silty deposits...
Artem Petrovych,Chernihiv region., I will sell
Продам навоз 2
200 hryvnias.
I will sell cow manure. Pickup.
Selym Murad,Chernihiv region., I will sell
I will sell nitroammophoska 16*16 *16, saltpetre. Packaging of 50 kg. Total calculation. Chernihiv.
Toropkin. 719Чернігівська обл., Продам
Продам удобрение Азотно-фосфорное-калийное 16-16-16
45 грн.
Packing of 3 kg - 50 UAH package, 50 kg bag - UAH 700. Cash payment
Aleksandr Sergeevich,Chernihiv region., I will sell
700 UAH.
"Avatar" is a multi-component microelement preparation, the main purpose of which is to improve nitrogen-phosphorus nutrition, increase ...
ROMAN,Chernihiv region., I will sell
Гаупсин инсекто-фунгицид
42 UAH.| ||769
Комплексный биопрепарат предназначен для защиты растений от вредителей и возбудителей болезней. Эффект от применения: Действующими агентами препар...
ROMAN,Chernihiv region., I will sell
Перегной с бесплатной доставкой
50 UAH.| ||794
Конский навоз, перегной в мешках по 60 литров. Натуральное, экологически чистое удобрение. Есть перепревший навоз ( 2 летней давности), есть и с...
Natalia,Chernihiv region., I will sell
Сапропель удобрение оптом ил чернозём большими нормами
350 грн.
Sapropel of high quality, large volumes. Sapropel for chernozem export.
Petr,Chernihiv region., I will sell
49 UAH .
Cellulad is a complex enzyme preparation, which is used for bioutilization of cellulose-containing materials, silage of fodder grasses from above...
OOO Bio Udobreniya,Chernihiv region., Selling
Биодеструктор Комплезим 3
8.6 грн.
Сухой биопрепарат, применяется для биодеструкции и утилизации органических загрязнений и отходов жизнедеятельности, для обработки выгребных ям. По...
OOO Bio Fertilizers,Chernihiv region., Selling
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