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Fuel, fuel and lubricants in the Kherson region

Sale of fuel, PMM in bulk (wholesale) and retail in Kherson / Kherson region: 1370 actual ads from sellers in the Kherson region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy fuel, PMM in Kherson at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 65 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Соляра. Дизель
40.5 hryvnias.
Sale of fuel Euro 5. All regions of Ukraine. Volume from 5000 liters. Form of payment by agreement.Price: UAH 40.5.
LRV24,Kherson region., 17-09- 2024, Sell/buy
Дизельне паливо Херсон, дизпаливо, дизтопливо, солярка, купити 2
The private enterprise "Poputka - 50" supplies diesel fuel in the Kherson region. and others, with a discount of up to 50% on delivery. We ...
PP Poputka-50,Kherson region., 12-09-2024, Sell/buy
Актуальні оголошення
All Ukraine:Various goods 17956 / Fuel, PMM 1370
Kherson Region: Різні товари 131 / Fuel, PMM 2
all of Ukraine
Archived ads
Оптовая продажа ГСМ: дизтопливо Евро-5, бензин
Wholesale of fuel and lubricants from a company with more than 20 years of experience, sales throughout Ukraine LLC Nathan-Union Kherson, Neftyanikov Street, 63
OOO Natan-Union,Kherson region., Sell/buy
Пеллеты из лигнина 3
2500 UAH.
Lignin pellets Hydrolyzed lignin is one of the types of raw materials used for the production of ecologically clean fuel in the form of pellets or...Price: UAH 2500.
Anna Aleksandrovna,Kherson region., Sell/buy
Продам древесный уголь от производителя 2
I will sell high quality charcoal at the manufacturer's prices!!! Any packaging, flexible system of discounts!!! Call us to make an agreement!!!
Roman Dyagovets,Kherson region., Sell/buy
Продам Дизельное Топливо Евро5 Доставка
26 hryvnias.
Wholesale supplies of diesel fuel Euro5 Russia Belarus UAH 26/l We deliver across Ukraine Call to orderPrice: UAH 26.
Vitaly Anatolyevich,Kherson region., Sell/buy
Продам пеллеты оптом
5000 hryvnias.
We offer pine wood pellets, diameter 6 and 8 зольность d06 в наличии есть обёемы we deliver to the city and the region, we also work throughout Ukraine ...Price: UAH 5000.
Igor,Kherson region., I will sell
Брикеты топливные Nestro 3
4800 hryvnias.
Constantly on sale, from the manufacturer, Nestro fuel briquettes made from sunflower husks mixed with sunflower waste cleaned of oil impurities...|| |669
Игорь Владимирович, Kherson region., Selling
Брикеты топливные из подсолнечника
We sell sunflower biomass fuel briquettes from the manufacturer, diameter 50 mm, length from 80 to 250 mm, packed in bags of 25 and 40 kg. Organized...
Igor Vladimirovych,Kherson region., Selling
Каменный уголь ФАБРИЧНЫЙ ОРЕХ опт и розница любая фракция 3
7200 UAH , wholesale and in...
Европейская торгово-промышленная компания продает ОБОГАЩЕННЫЙ ФАБРИЧНЫЙ УГОЛЬ 13-100 вагонными нормами до удобной Вам станции назначения, оптом и в...
Tatiana,Kherson region., Selling
Фабричный уголь Орех 2
375 UAH.
The "ETPC" company sells HIGH QUALITY FACTORY COAL with low ash content (11.3%) and low sulfur content (0.33 %). Characteristics: ...
Tatiana,Kherson region., I will sell
1500 UAH.
I will buy a pellet up to 2000 UAH, 22 tons, packed in bags or polyethylene, cash on delivery.
Aleksandr Sergeevich,Kherson region., I will buy
Продам брикет Nestro
2700 hryvnias.
We are selling sunflower husk fuel briquettes, pure without impurities and additives. We are the producers of this product, located in the city of Kakhovk...
Gennady,Kherson region., Selling
Продаем брикет Nestro из лузги подсолнечника
2700 hryvnias.
Nestro briquette for sale. d=70. From pure sunflower husk without impurities and additives, packaging in bags of 25 kg, 40 kg. On the 1st floor of the building, Kakhovka
Gennady,Kherson region., Selling
Паливні брикети
3 грн.
Fuel ​​briquettes (sunflower). possible delivery in the Kherson region
PP MARS AMK,Kherson region., I will sell
Продам дрова сосна колотые сухие 370 гривень куб 3
370 UAH.
. Pine firewood is available, dry, chopped or in chunks, or meters of Coma of your choice, clean, dry, dense, perfectly dried wood, stack meter, piles...
Boris Serha,Kherson region., I will sell
15 hryvnias.
I will sell diesel 380 l at 15 hryvnias per liter. .
Boris Serha,Kherson region., I will sell
Древесные гранулы (пеллеты) закупим
Our company buys wood pellets from conifers, the ash content of the pellets should not be more than 1%. The need is great. We are buying round...
Aleksandr,Kherson region., I will buy
Закупим древесный брикет Pini Kay
Our company buys Pini Kay wood briquettes. The need is great. We buy around the clock. Pickup from the manufacturer's warehouse.
Alexander,Kherson region., I will buy
Продам Дрова 2
450 hryvnias.
Crushed firewood! diameter from 3 cm to 12 cm the length of the churk is about 8 cm Ash, acacia and fruit species. burns very well! ideal fuel for...
Yevgeny,Kherson region., Selling
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