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New and Used (Buy)

Equipment for watering, irrigation, plant protection in the Kherson Region

Sale of new and used irrigation equipment, irrigation, plant protection in Kherson / Kherson region: 2099 actual ads from sellers of Kherson region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy equipment for watering, irrigation, plant protection in Kherson at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and healthy competition. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 65 ads. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||321
Опрыскиватели прицепные от производителя ОП-2000(18м) на фото ОП-2000
Trailed sprayers from the manufacturer OP-2000 The sprayer is equipped with imported components and working bodies (pump, control panel, filter...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
Большой ассортимент прицепных опрыскивателей ОП-2000/18, ОП-2000/21, ОП-3000/21
Big assortment of trailers sprinklers OP-2000/18, OP-2000/21, OP-3000/21, hydraulic rod, mechanical rod. We will pick it up for you at an acceptable price...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
ОП-2000/ОП2500 Polmark штанга-18м, прицепной Польша
OP-2000/OP2500 Polmark with hydraulic lifting of the wings, Trailed sprayer, Poland Trailed sprayer is used for field processing...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
Качественный опрыскиватель ОП2000/ОП2500 (18 м.)POLMARK (ПОЛМАРК) прицепной
Quality sprayer OP2000/OP2500 (18 m.) POLMARK trailed. Trailed Polish sprayer OP-2000/OP 2500 Polmark OP 2000 OP-200...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
Polmark польский опрыскиватель ОП2000/ОП2500 прицепной
Polmark Polish sprayer OP2000/OP2500 trailed is used to combat agricultural pests. Trailed sprayer op-2000 price, survey...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
Полевой прицепной опрыскиватель ОП2000, 2500, 3000, захват 18-21м-ЗАЩИТА для расстений
Trailed sprayer OP2000, 2500, 3000, grip 18-21m-PROTECTION for spreaders from pests. The boom sprayer consists of a metal frame...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Sell/buy
Опрыскиватель ОП 3000/18-21 м итальянское оборудование, Гидравлика
It makes sense to buy a sprayer OP Trailers Sprayers OP -2000, 25000, 3000 liters. Equipment for Plant Protection. Trailed sprayer OP ...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Selling
Презентация полевого опрыскивателя ОП 2000(3000) прицепной с гидравлической штангой 18-21м
Presentation of the field sprayer OP 2000(3000) trailed with hydraulic boom 18-21m Sprayer OP-2000(3000)18 / 21m. (Mixer, hydraulic...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Selling
Польский прицепной опрыскиватель POLMARK ОП-2000/18 Польша
We offer Polmark trailed sprayer 18 m-bar hydraulic trailed sprayers the price OP-2000/OP-2500 trailed sprayer...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Selling
Функціональний ОП 2000 Обприскувач причіпний Гідравліка 21м
Functional OP 2000 Trailed sprayer Hydraulics 21 m (photo, video) everything is real 100% products with photos, videos Trailed sprayers 3000,2500,200...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Selling
Полевой гидравлический опрыскиватель ОП-2000/21
Field hydraulic sprayer OP-2000/21 (completion Italy) - used for processing agricultural crops special liquids ...
Karina,Kherson region., 22-11-2024, Selling
Садовий обприскувач Польша-Італія 4
55,000 UAH.
New Polish-made garden sprayers with Italian components. Quality guarantee. Delivery across Ukraine with a discount without PREPAYMENTPrice: UAH 55,000.
Vitaly,Kherson region., 21-11-2024, Selling
Обприскувачі 400-600-800л. Польша 7
19,500 UAH.
NEW. New sprayer model. Pole. Quality guarantee. Super barrel, pump 120, quality components. You can install a triple nozzle and at...Price: UAH 19,500.
Vitaly,Kherson region., 21-11-2024, Selling
Емкости для транспортировки и хранения Херсон
37 700 грн.
Containers are intended for transportation of drinking water, technological water, liquid mineral fertilizers, working solution and other liquids on body...Price: UAH 37,700.
Sprey Master 2000 на 18 прицепной опрыскиватель
218,000 UAH.
Trailed sprayer for sale sprayer Sprey Master 2000 for 18 in perfect condition, the unit is not torn, not boiled, the construction of the unit is made of kaches...Price: UAH 218,000.
Kvartal,Kherson region., 20-11-2024, Selling
Прицепной опрыскиватель Spray Master mini 2000-18 по супер цене
234,000 UAH.
For sale new sprayer Spray Master mini 2000-18, will cope well with the processing of various household crops, will protect against pests...
Quarter,Kherson region., 20-11-2024, Selling
Капельный набор для полива. Комплектация набора, капельная лента 19
Drip tape is an ideal solution for irrigating crops both in open and protected ground, such as tomatoes, watermelon, melon, strawberries,...
Alexey,Kherson region., 18-11-2024, Selling
Капельная лента капельна стричка 6-8мил намотка 120 300 400м бухты 1500 2500 3500м 20
Millions of drip coils tapes are used all over the world. This tape is widely used in field crop production, horticulture, viticulture, etc...
Aleksey,Kherson region., 18-11-2024, Selling
Опрыскиватель полевой прицепной 2000 л
Sprayers OP 2000l/ 2500l Trailed - simple in design and at the same time reliable are intended for medium farm agreements. They are used ...
Yulia Vitalyevna,Kherson region., 15-11-2024, Selling
Опрыскиватель прицепной на 2000л, 2500л Польша Polmark
Features of trailed sprayer: - 18 m. wings - Pump Italy, three-piston. - reinforced frame - 3 position injectors -hydraulic...
Yuliya Vitalievna,Kherson region., 15-11-2024, Selling
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