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 / Birds, young, hatching eggs  / Hens, chickens  / Kharkiv region.

Chickens, chickens in Kharkiv region

Sale of chickens, chickens group (wholesale) and retail in Kharkiv / Kharkiv region: 95 actual ads from poultry farmers of Kharkiv region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy chickens and chicks in Kharkiv at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 142 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Подрощенный бройлер 2, 3нед, табак 1.1-1.2кг. Доставка опт по Украине
40 hryvnias.
We are located in Kharkiv region. village Borky  Wholesale delivery across Ukraine. Broiler, meat chicken, characterized by intensive growth, precociousness, low...Price: UAH 40.
Roman Kalyuzhny,Kharkiv region., 20-09-2024, Sell/buy
Курочка яєчні підрощені Домінант 100 днів
100 грн.
All necessary vaccinations and veterinary measures have been taken. Egg crosses Dominant gray-eared-959 are offered for farms, black...Price: UAH 100.
Roman Kalyuzhny,Kharkiv region., 20-09-2024, Sell/buy
Бройлер добовий Угорщина Кобб-500 з вакцинацією та комбікорм
23 hryvnias.
Daily broiler, turkey, meat-egg and egg-laying chickens in retail and wholesale with delivery across Ukraine. Cobb-500 (Cobb-500) broiler selection of Cobb (...Price: UAH 23.
Roman Kalyuzhny,Kharkiv region., 24-06-2024, Sell/buy
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Добова та підрощена курочка яєчної породи 12
Day-old and grown-up Slobozhanka egg breed chicken. It has a red color, the egg is cream. Wholesale and retail. Constantly spring-summer. Delivery is possible
Toma,Kharkiv region., Sell/buy
Бройлер Кобб 500/Росс 308 2
20 hryvnias.
Every Thursday, new batches of daily broiler. Cobb 500 Weight within 48g, each broiler undergoes thorough culling. Vaccinating from Marek,...Price: UAH 20.
Tatiana Olegovna,Kharkiv region., Sell/buy
Бройлер и другие направления
16 UAH.
Daily broiler Kobb 500 Delivery along the route Kyiv Kharkiv The weight of a day-old chicken is 45 g 05.11/08.11/15.11/20.11/25.11 We provide services on...
Tatiana Olegovna,Kharkiv region., Sell/buy
Продаж курчат (Харківська обл.) 2
30 hryvnias.
Registration for the purchase of day-old chickens: simpleton; broiler (KOBB 500). Kyiv egg. The owner of the incubator (there is a photo). Also with chickens there is an opportunity to purchase...
Maxim Ermak,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Продам куриц Легбары 2
60 hryvnias.
Legbary chickens for sale. In 4–5 months, hens begin to lay eggs. Its high intensity lasts for 2 years. A person is able to carry out in sr...
Tatiana Petrovna,Kharkiv region., Selling
Мараны цыплята 3
60 hryvnias.
Marana chickens for sale. They can be called hens that lay golden eggs. One of the main features of the breed is very large eggs...
Tatiana Petrovna,Kharkiv region., Selling
Бройлер суточные цыплята КОББ 500 с вакцинацией 2
22 hryvnias.
Cobb 500 breed, Ross 708. Pickup from Borok Kharkiv region. Sign up in advance. With vaccination against illness Marek 22 hryvnias Any quantity. There is in na...
Roman,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Подрощеные цыплята кур породы Доминант от 3х недель
UAH 50.
Possible delivery of 500 pcs With vaccination from brand, Newcastle, Gamboro, Bronchitis. In stock. Age from 3 weeks. All vaccines are done. Kharkiv...
Roman,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Продам куры несушки Ломан Вайт молодки 3
110 грн.
I sell wholesale and retail. Grown up young. Loman White white laying hen is available. Age 3.5 months. ALL YOUNG CHICKEN ARE VACCINATED AGAINST HVO...
Dmitry,Kharkiv region., Selling
Инкубационное яйцо Бройлера кобб500 и рос308 3
5 грн.
On a regular basis we sell wholesale and retail: broiler Cobb 500 and Ros 308 ball-oval direction: Spanish black and red redbro master gr...
Egg and chicken,Kharkiv region., For sale
Ферментационная подстилка Нетто-Пласт в Украине(для кур, индюков, свиней, КРС) 5
790 UAH.|| |816
Чем так уникальна подстилка? -за сутки полностью перерабатывает навоз ; -нет запаха, жижи, грязных участков; -отсутствие затрат на отопление; ...
Yury Anatolyevich,Kharkiv region., I will sell
I will buy for myself laying hens 3-6 months in small wholesale at the end of April. Kharkovskaya obo. Rolls I am waiting for the proposed one.
Vlad,Kharkiv region., I will buy
Курры джерсийский гигант, яйцо, цыплята 8
30 hryvnias.
I will sell an incubation egg Jersey giant-30g, price from 20pcs+ for one egg, Orpington pale-30g, Bress Galskaya-30, Mechelenskaya cuckoo-40, Fave. ..
Aleksandr,Kharkiv region., Selling
Куры фавероль инкубационное яйцо, цыплята 7
20 грн.
Incubating egg for sale, Faverol-30g, Orpington pale-30g, Jersey giant-30g, Bress galskaya-30, Mechelen cuckoo-30g, price on offer...
Aleksandr,Kharkiv region., I will sell
Продам кур Мехеленская кукушка инкубационное яйцо 4
30 грн.
Incubation egg Mechelen cuckoo, the roosters are not relatives, the bird was bred from an imported egg (Poles and Germans), the first generation, price-30 hryvnias, my photos (...
Aleksandr,Kharkiv region., For sale
Куры орпингтон, инкубационное яйцо, цыплята 4
30 hryvnias.
Incubation egg Orpington pale-30g, for one egg, Jersey Giant-30g, when ordering 20 pcs or more, (chicks to order-60g) I will send to Ukraine ...
Aleksandr,Kharkiv region., Selling
Куры джерсийського гиганта инкубационное яйцо, цыплята под заказ 4
20 hryvnias.
I will give you Jersey giant chickens 60 g. Incubation egg 20 g. if you order 20 pieces or more, if you order up to 20 pieces, the price will be 30 g (I will send to Ukraine)
Александр, Kharkiv region., Selling
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