Rabbits, baby rabbits for sale in Ternopil / Ternopil Region: 62 current ads from breeders in Ternopil Region with direct contacts.
"Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy rabbits, baby rabbits in Ternopil at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries.
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Продам молодняк кролів віком від 1,5 місяця
Щеплені вакциною 2 в 1..
Подробиці за телефоном.
Ціна за 1 кг живої ваги.
У віці 4,5 місяців вихі... Price: UAH 120.
California 110 UAH. Per month.
Per tribe 3 months 2 months. 1 month Lanivtsi. Can be exchanged for a 4-month-old male. With extra payment to you.
There are all the necessary vaccinations...
Kroly California 110 hryvnias. Per month.
Per tribe 3 months 2 months. 1 month Lanivtsi. Can be exchanged for a 4-month-old male. With extra payment to you.
There are all the necessary p...
California rabbits for sale, age 3.5 months, males and females, vaccinated against hemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis, vaccinated against coccidiosis. Krole...
Selling a breed of rabbits of the German variegated giant breed of various ages. Good blood from European breeders. Possible delivery within Ukraine. Price 2...
Poltava silver rabbits for sale (females). The breed is one of the best in the medium weight category ~5 kg. Females give birth to 8-11 rabbits. Mothers ...| ||781
I will sell rabbits of the Termonskaya Bila breed. Well-lactating and hardy females, in litters of 10-14 rabbits, easily withstand compacted litters. Meat breed...
I am selling Poltava silver rabbits. Purebred rabbits. Females are well lactating and hardy. There are 10 rabbits in the folds. The yield of the carcass is up to 64%. There is...