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 /Meat, incl. live weight  / Beef, veal  / Ternopil region. | ||339

Яловичина, телятина в Тернопільській обл

Sale of beef, veal by group (wholesale) and retail in Ternopil / Ternopil region: 202 actual ads from farmers of Ternopil region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy beef and veal in Ternopil at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 95 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Яловичина, напівтуші, експорт
We offer products of our own production: beef half-carcasses chilled or deep frozen, of the highest, first and second grades for export...
Yuriy,Ternopil region., 08-10-2024, Sell/buy
Яловичина в напівтушах, бик, корова, експорт
We offer meat, beef. Half carcasses - bull, cow - 1 category (frozen, chilled). Wholesale directly from the manufacturer. All certificates...
Yuriy,Ternopil region., 07-10-2024, Sell/buy || |407
ПрАТ АГРО-ПРОДУКТ продає охолоджене мясо на кості та кускове мясо бика і корови 11
PJSC "AGRO-PRODUKT" sells chilled meat on the bone of its bull and cow own production. The plant is fully certified, one of the ice...
Maksym Mykolayovych,Ternopil region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
ПрАТ АГРО-ПРОДУКТ продає вуха, морди, рубець шпарині 9
The company sells frozen beef offal of its own production, such as: liver, heart, kidneys, trachea, lung, udder, fat, meat and bone...
Максим Миколайович, Ternopil region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
ПрАТ АГРО-ПРОДУКТ пропонує заморожену вирізку найвищої якості з елітних биків
400 грн.
We offer frozen and chilled tenderloin of the highest quality from elite bulls in vacuum packaging. The volume is 600 - 700 kg per day. We work, and you salt...Price: UAH 400.
Maksym Mykolayovych,Ternopil region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
ПрАТ АГРО-ПРОДУКТ пропонує мясо яловиче охолоджене та морожене свого виробництва 6
115 hryvnias.
PJSC "AGRO-PRODUKT" offers chilled and frozen beef meat of its own production of the 1st grade. The plant is fully certified, one of the ...Price: UAH 115.
Maksym Mykolayovych,Ternopil region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
Каре теляче 3
I will sell veal cut (steak).
Fedir Savych,Ternopil region., 11-08-2024, I will sell
Продам говядину охлажденную в полутушах Халяльный убой
88 UAH.
I sell beef on the bone on a regular basis. Slaughter is carried out according to Halal requirements. It is possible to freeze half-carcasses on request...Price: UAH 88.
Oleg. beef 1,2, higher grade chilled and offal. Contact by phone Nazarius PickupТернопільська обл., 19-06-2024, Продам
Також в продажі є яловичина 1,2, вищий сорт охолоджена та субпродукти. Звертайтесь за телефоном Назарій Самовивіз
Nazarii,Ternopil region., 29-05-2024, For sale
Actual ads
All Ukraine: Meat, incl. live weight 892 / Beef, veal 202
Ternopil Region: Meat, incl. by live weight 17 / Beef, veal| ||603 9
all Ukraine
Archived ads
Продам полу туши говядины завернутую в марлю от производителя 4
I will sell half a beef carcass, wrapped in gauze from the manufacturer. Production is located in Ukraine. For export to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. Кроме...
Agroproduction,Ternopil region., For sale
Яловичина 1 сорту, 2 сорту, полядвиця, фарш 5
100 200 hryvnias.
SHIDZACHID LLC sells beef 1st grade, 2nd grade , ground beef, minced meat. Prices from UAH 100. specify by phonePrice: UAH 100,200.
Natalia,Ternopil region., I will sell
120 UAH.
I will sell loin, shoulder, ham, fillet, sirloin
Yura,Ternopil region., I will sell
Продам говяжу книжку 4
We are exporters and buyers of meat offal. Our company will buy a beef book in large quantities.
Oleksandr,Ternopil region., Selling
Яловичина перший сорт
100 UAH.|| |854
Підприємство переробник на постій основі реалізує м'ясо яловичини, конини по найкращим цінам. Туші, напівтуші, четвертина. Також в продажі с...
Maxim,Ternopil region., Selling
Говядина, конина в блоках
65 UAH.
The processing enterprise sells block meat at the best prices on an ongoing basis. Higher, first, second grade available. Wholesale, delivery
Maxim,Ternopil region., I will sell
Яловичина 2 сорт
75 UAH.|| |904
М'ясо яловичини, в блоках і на кості по найкращим цінам. Доставка по всій Україні, телефонуйте.
Maxim,Ternopil region., Selling
М#039;ясо яловичини, конини
62 UAH .
The processing company regularly sells beef and horse meat at the best prices. Carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters. Also on sale with...
Maxim,Ternopil region., Selling
Яловичина для собак по найкращим цінам
50 UAH .
Excellent quality dog ​​meat for sale (veal) Delivery is possible Contact us
Maxim,Ternopil region., Selling
Говядина халяль на экспорт 5
Name Beef Denomination Beef Price, USD Weight, kg Half-carcasses/compensated quarters Weight of one half-carcasses: Cow (1 cat...
Dmitry Nikolayevich,Ternopil region., Selling
I will buy Big Horned Cattle Livestock, Horses. HIGH PRICES Ternopil Khmelnytskyi region.
Oleg Shelengovych,Ternopil region., Buy
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