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Complex fertilizers in Sumy region

Sale of complex fertilizers by group (wholesale) and retail in Sumy / Sumy region: 432 actual ads from sellers of the Sumy region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy complex fertilizers in Sumy at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 21 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Добрива марки NP 18:20+14S
23,500 UAH.
We offer mineral fertilizers marks NP 18:20+14S. Packaging: BIG-BEG of 900 kg net. Delivery basis: 1) FCA station of Basa of the Southern Railway (to...Price: UAH 23,500.
Sarmatia Group,Sumy region., 21-10-2024, Sell/buy
Комплексне органічне гумінове добриво Гумісол-плюс 06 Коренеплоди, 10 л
4125 UAH.
Fertilizer produced on the basis of vermicompost, a product processing of cattle manure by California worms Eisenia fetida. Basic elements of Humisol-plus 0...Price: UAH 4125.
Gumiplus fertilizer,Sumy region., 09-06-2024, Sell/Buy
Дешево! Нитроаммофоска (NPK) Россия
10,200 UAH.
Very cheap! Nitroammophoska (NPK) Russia. Syngenta seeds are also availablePrice: UAH 10,200.
Александр,Sumy oblast., 15-06-2024, Sell/buy
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Продам фосфогипс
300 грн.
We sell phosphogypsum from a warehouse in Sumy. Possible delivery by rail transportPrice: UAH 300.
Viktor Zhuravlov,Sumy region., Sell/buy
Сульфат магнію MgO-16, 9%, S-13, 5% 3
500 UAH.
We offer magnesium sulfate MgO-16.9%, S-13.5%, from their own warehouses, located in the village of Nedrigailiv et al. Stepanivka, Sumy region. ...
Artur Hlukh,Sumy region., Sell/buy
Суперфосфат подвійний амонізованийіз NPS 10:32+8S 5
32,500 hryvnias.
We offer double ammonium superphosphate with NPS 10:32+8S from our own warehouses, which are located in Cherkasy, Poltava, Lebedyn and the village of Subsoil...
Artur Hlukh,Sumy region., Sell/buy
Нітроамофоска NPK 16: 16: 16
23 000 грн.
Nitroamophoska is a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It has gained wide popularity among farmers and summer residents, and all thanks to the connection...
Artur Hlukh,Sumy region., Selling
16,000 UAH.|| |601
Виробник реалізує комплексні мінеральні добрива в асортименті. Наявні формули: NPK 16:16:16; NPK 3:20:20; NPK 15:15:15; NPK 9:18:22. Присутні ...
Vadyslav Shmygol,Sumy region., For sale
Продам NPK 10:20:20
620 hryvnias.
I will sell NPK 10:20:20 for sowing winter crops. Belarus. Packaging of 50 kg bags. Price 620 UAH.
Vytalyk,Sumy region., For sale
Super fos dar 40 - суперфосфат збагачений 40%
12 600 грн.
Super FOS DAR 40 - SUPERPHOSPHATE ENRICHED 40% P2O5 is a universal, concentrated phosphorus fertilizer that can be used before sowing, new...
"VVM Trading",Sumy region., Selling
Добрива мінеральні продам Польща Сіаркополь Тарногран Поділляагрозахист
Tov Podillyaagrozakhist - the main distributor of the Polish plant of mineral fertilizers Siarkopol sells mineral fertilizers Tarnogran for cereals (...
Ihor Serhiyovych,Sumy region., Selling
Полифоска Petro Plon
POLIFOSKA Petro Plon NPK (MgS) 5:10:30 (3:9) +0.1V is a high-quality granulated NPK fertilizer for all agricultural crops. Nitrogen...
Yana,Sumy region., I will sell
We sell mineral fertilizers from the manufacturer. Detailed information by phone: (066)6087349, (067)3633228, Irina Alekseevna.
Irina Alekseevna,Sumy oblast., I will sell
Продам добрива Суперфосфат Польща Лювена автонорма 22 т з доставкою в господарство
9100 грн.
GRANULAR SUPERPHOSPHATE R-19 Chemical formula: SIMPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE P (Ca, S) 19-(25-31.5) Packaging: 500 kg / 50 kg Fertilizer type: granular You...
Igor Serhiyovych,Sumy region., I will sell
Продам польські мінеральні добрива 4
Польський виробник «Siarkopol» користується авторитетом на території усієї Европи. Він спеціалізується на виготовленні сільськогосподарських добрив...
Oksana,Sumy region., I will sell
Продам оптом и в розницу Нитроаммофоска 16:16:16, Селитра, Мочевина от 50 кг
9500 UAH.
I will sell wholesale and retail mineral and organic fertilizers. • Universal highly effective complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer for...
Artem,Sumy region., I will sell
Polifoska - mineral complex fertilizers for fields crops: sugar beet, corn, rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, pea, grain ears and other k...
Serhii Viktorovych,Sumy region., Selling
13,050 UAH.|| |863
Сложное, комплексное, гранулированное удобрение азотно-фосфорно-калийное минеральное удобрение, с преобладанием фосфора и калия над азотом. Рекомен...
Dmitry,Sumy region., Selling
Биоудобрение, пробиотик почвы «ГЛОБИОМА Биота Макс» 4
145 UAH.
Biofertilizer, soil probiotic "GLOBIOMA Biota Max" is a natural, ecologically clean soil biopreparation (natural medicine for acne...
Yaroslav,Sumy region., Selling
Биопрепарат Пробиотик Глобиома Биота Макс 3
159 грн.
New class of biological preparations, soil probiotic "GLOBIOMA Biota Max" is natural, environmentally friendly soil biopreparation that contains...
Novel,Sumy region., For sale
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