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Organic fertilizers in Poltava region

Sale of organic fertilizers by group (wholesale) and retail in Poltava / Poltava region: 186 actual ads from sellers of the Poltava region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy organic fertilizers in Poltava at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 21 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Продам зоогумус від Чорної Львинки
5 UAH.
I will sell zoohumus from the larvae of the Black Lioness, which we grow on wheat bran. Always available and in large quantities. Zoohumus - organic...Price: UAH 5.
Oleksandr,Poltava region., 05-10-2024, Sell/buy
Підприємство реалізовує органічне добриво, компост з аерованого гною ВРХ, гній з територій
45 hryvnias.
The enterprise sells organic fertilizer, compost from aerated cattle manure, manure from the territories of the MTF. Compost - UAH 300/t Manure - UAH 45/t (discount applies) ...Price: UAH 45.
Olga Panchyk,Poltava region., 18-04-2024, Sell/buy
Древесная зола / Попіл дерева органическое удобрение 1 кг 2
25 UAH.
The best organic bio-fertilizer Wood ash fertilizes, treats, protects against pests, deacidifies the soil Purpose: Highly effective local fertilizer for...Price: UAH 25.
Oleg,Poltava region., 01-04-2024, Sell/buy
Птичий помёт - Органическое удобрение 5
8 грн.
I will sell bird droppings, aged for 7 years, crushed, sifted, odorless. When ordering from 100 kg for 5 UAH, up to 100 kg for 8 UAH.Price: UAH 8.
Oleg,Poltava region., 01-04-2024, Sell/buy
Actual ads
all of Ukraine
Archive ads
100 UAH.
I will sell cattle manure and compost. Location: Kyiv region (Yagotyn district) Vinnytsia region (Bershad district) Kharkiv Region (Krasnograd District) ...
Olga,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Гумат Калія 5кг
700 UAH.
Composition: paste-concentrate 180 g/kg. Leonardite lignite concentrate (Humic substances 180 g/kg, potassium K2O 80 g/kg, organic substances in dry form...
Tetyana,Poltava region., Sell/buy
Міндобрива Нітроамофоску-М (м.Червоноград)
28,500 UAH.
Price for 15:15:20 (Sa:S) 20:8, Also available 16:16:16 (39000 UAH), 15:15:15 (36000 UAH), 7:17:21 (31,500 hryvnias) and others, find out by phone (there is Viber). From glass...
ZernoUkraine,Poltava region., I will sell
I will sell peat  || |616
500 грн.
I will sell peat Delivery from 1 ton to 25 tons
Serhiy Oleksandrovych,Poltava region., I will sell
БіоМАГ гуматкалія на основі Сапропелю 2
90 грн.
BioMAG is an organic, ecologically safe integrated fertilizer and growth regulator of a new generation based on sapropel and phytohormones, which is biologically a...
NUM FARM,Poltava region., I will sell
BAI-Si біологічно-активний імунопротектор на основі кремнію 3
270 hryvnias.
Immunoprotector, anti-stress, growth stimulator and antioxidant. Biologically active fertilizer BAI-Si, helps to overcome physiological depression of plants, caused by...
NUM FARM,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам биогумусные таблетки Росток
I will sell biohumus tablets for planting seedlings of all types of plants, ideal for fertilizing and planting indoor plants. The composition is 70% biog...
Sergey,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам конский навоз
400 UAH.|| |722
Продам конский навоз,в наличии и под заказ,возможен обмен на сельхоз корма.Цена указана за легковой прицеп.
Sergey,Poltava region., Selling
Биогумус 2
4.8 грн.
I will sell biohumus of my own production of MCP "Agrofirma "GEYA", the price is for 1 kg. There is a discount for wholesale orders. The weight of the bag is...
Volodymyr,Poltava region., I will sell
150 UAH.|| |787
ТОВ " Лубенская Птицефабрика" продает помет куриный 150 грн/тонна без услуг погрузки.С услугами погрузки 200 грн/тонна. Мы находимся в П...
Valentna,Poltava region., For sale
Підприємство виробник пропонує гранульований курячий послід 2
3600 грн.
The producer company offers granulated chicken droppings. Chemical composition Humidity-10-15% Organic matter-75-80% Total nitrogen-3,5-5,...
Oleksandr,Poltava region., Selling
Органічні добрива «АГРО-ОРГАНІК» у мішках (гранула) 1 тонна 5
3600 UAH.
Fertilizer 1 in Ukraine from the manufacturer Soil application services are possible. The AGRO-ORGANIC company is a leader in the production of organic fertilizers...
Agro-Organic,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам Хвойный Перегной в Мешках
35 UAH.
Coniferous humus of excellent quality, refrozen in a natural environment. Improves the air permeability of the soil mixture, has high thermal insulation...
Vladyslav Sergeevich,Poltava region., I will sell
Продам карбамид
10,000 UAH.|| |891
Продам карбамид фасовка биг бег 800кг, производитель Одесский припортовый завод. Цена 10000 грн.
Arsen,Poltava region., I will sell
Производим и продаем уникальное органическое удобрение - биогумус.г. Кременчуг, Полтавская
3 UAH.
We produce and sell unique organic fertilizer - biohumus. It is produced by processing cattle manure with red California worm. Recovered...
MKP "a/f "Gaia", Vladimir,Poltava region., For sale
UAH 940
Пропонуємо, натуральне, органічне, добриво. Для, Вашого, саду та городу. Перегній підходе для всіх рослин, у тому числі і квітів. Збагачує грунт вс...
Svitlana,Poltava region., For sale
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