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 /  || |237Яйця столові  / Odesa region.

Table eggs in Odesa region|| |251

Продаж столових яєць гуртом (оптом) та вроздріб в Одесі / Одеській області: 88 актуальних оголошень від фермерів Одеської обл з прямими контактами. «Agro-Ukraine» дає відмінну можливість купити столові яйця в Одесі за вигідною ціною за рахунок широкого вибору пропозицій та відсутності посередників. Всі оголошення додаються безкоштовно, приблизно за 1-2 хв.
Total found: 51 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Яйца перепела домашнее 4
Fresh domestic quail eggs. The price of fresh quail eggs and quail meat. Homemade quail eggs (1 pack - 20 pcs) - price 1 UAH. Meat ...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odesa region., 10-10-2024, Sell/buy
Свежие яйца перепелов, домашние 3|| |300
Fresh quail eggs, homemade. Why are our quail eggs so different from store-bought eggs? The answer is very simple. If there is a yolk in domestic quail...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odesa region., 10-10-2024, Sell/buy
Яйца перепелиные BIO - премиум индоперепел 4|| |326
Quail eggs BIO - premium Indo quail. Fresh BIO Indian quail eggs, homemade wholesale - there are no analogues in Ukraine. We are happy to offer you wholesale...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odesa region., 10-10-2024, Sell/buy
Эко - свежие яйца перепелов, домашние 2
Fresh quail eggs, homemade. Quail eggs are a product unique in terms of its nutritional value, containing a concentrate of essential nutrients for humans...
Sergey Anatolyevich,Odesa region., 07-10-2024, Sell/buy
Перепелиные яйца - перепелов, домашние 5|| |393
Quail eggs - quail, homemade. It is recommended for prevention. Daily use of quail eggs in the diet is recommended...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odesa region., 07-10-2024, Sell/buy
Яйца перепелиные - перепела, мясо - домашние 6|| |419
Quail eggs - quail, meat - homemade. Quail eggs contain a large amount of trace elements useful for brain development, so...
Sergey,Odesa region., 07-10-2024, Sell/buy
Яйца перепелиные 11
36 UAH.
Table quail eggs. Wholesale price UAH 36/tray (20 eggs). Small wholesale 39 hryvnias. The difference is UAH 50. Meat from UAH 250. We can smoke to order. Fe...
Irina,Odesa region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Current ads
All Ukraine: Table eggs 88
Odesa region: Table eggs 7
all Ukraine
Archived announcements
Продам домашние, куриное яйцо оптом ) 4
3.8 hryvnias.
I will sell homemade, chicken eggs wholesale) per week, so far, from 5 to 6 thousand eggs... from Loman brown chickens (brown shades) not calibrated .for 3.80 hryvnias...Price: 3.8 hryvnias.
Natalya Marchenko,Odesa region., I will sell
Продам свежее куриное яйцо (Одесса)
4.8 hryvnias.
The company offers you always fresh chicken eggs. We deliver to cities: Odessa, Chernomorsk, Yuzhny and Belgorod-Dniester...Price: UAH 4.8.
Serhii Volodymyrovych,Odesa region., I will sell
45 hryvnias.
Buy chicken eggs wholesale 100 cor. per week Ready to cooperate on a permanent basis.Price: UAH 45.
Buyer,Odesa region., I will buy
The store will buy small wholesale eggs. Questions by phone.
Sergey Ivanov,Odesa region., I will buy
Продам яйцо куриное на экспорт
I will sell a chicken egg, dry egg products (egg powder, dry egg white (albumin), egg yolk), "Halal" poultry meat, dry o...
Export Torg Ua,Odesa region., Selling
Яйцо куриное на экспорт
Company "EGG & CHIKEN" exports chicken eggs, dry egg products (egg powder, dry egg white (albumin), eggs...
Export Torg Ua,Odesa region., Selling
Заявка на яйцо ст белое 5 контейнеров в неделю 4
Order from trader Mersin St. Ek.Zone to Ukraine, white chicken egg with light yolk, not less than 50g, white box 360 pcs. Price 14 USD per box .5 ...
Lilya Enverovna,Odesa region., I will buy
I will buy a white chicken egg in large wholesale for Export with a full set of certificates and accompanying documents. Min. quantity 1240 boxes.
Oksana,Odesa region., Buy
Яйца куриные 2
2 hryvnias.
I will sell chicken eggs c0 c1 c2 in a box of 360 pieces. Sale of 10 boxes, delivery throughout Ukraine.
Yuriy,Odesa region., Selling
Перепелиные яйца ( столовые)
21 hryvnias.
The company sells fresh quail eggs wholesale. Year-round production availability. Any volumes. A complete package of documents. If the shell is an egg...
Svyatoslav Anatolyevich,Odesa region., I will sell
I will buy white egg C0 (L) in large quantity. sms, Viber or Whatsup calls, mail
Diana,Odesa region., Buy
3 грн.
Domestic chicken eggs for sale with delivery in Odessa
Marina,Odesa region., Selling
Продам перепелиные яйца
20 грн.
Quail eggs for sale. Packaging of 20 pcs. Wholesale 50 packages per week
Dmitry,Odesa region., Selling
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