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Complex fertilizers in Odessa region

Sale of complex fertilizers by group (wholesale) and retail in Odessa / Odessa region: 439 actual ads from sellers of the Odesa region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy complex fertilizers in Odessa at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 33 ads. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||313
Био-комплекс хлорелла 5л для комнатных растений 5
200 UAH.
Bio-complex chlorella 5l for indoor plants. Live unicellular green micro-algae in a cultured aquatic environment or "green gold"...Price: UAH 200.
Sergey Anatolyevich,Odesa region., 10-10-2024, Sell/buy
Хлорела суспензія - зелене золото 3
300 UAH.
Chlorella suspension - green gold. Chlorella biostimulant suspension - BIO-complex Chlorella suspension is a new generation organic fertilizer! Micro...Price: UAH 300.
Sergey Anatolevych,Odesa region., 10-10-2024, Sell/buy
Діамонійфосфат (DAP) Болгарія, Туреччина, Марокко, Йорданія
35 200 грн.
Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers in stock and on the way Ports and warehouses in Ukraine Lithuania, LIFOSA to order 7 days - 765 euros...Price: UAH 35,200.
Ksenia,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Sell/buy
Удобрение Биохелат Суниця
130 UAH.| ||410
Высокоэффективное удобрение Price: UAH 130.
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Sell/buy
Удобрение биохелат зерновые
140 UAH.| ||434
Концентрат экологически чистого высокоэффективного удобрения
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Sell/buy
Удобрение Биохелат Бор
170 UAH.| ||457
Концентрат высокоэффективного удобрения
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Sell/buy
Удобрение Биохелат Зернобобовые
130 UAH.| ||480
Высокоэффективное удобрение содержащее весь необходимый комплекс микроэлементов
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, I will sell
Удобрение Биохелат Экстра
252 UAH.
Highly effective professional fertilizer
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Selling
Удобрение Биохелат Овощи
140 UAH.
Highly effective fertilizer in chelated form
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, I will sell
Удобрение Биохелат Магний
167 UAH.
Highly effective, easily absorbed fertilizer in chelated form
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, I will sell
Удобрение Биохелат Цинк
165 UAH.
Highly effective, easily digestible fertilizer
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Selling
Удобрение Биохелат Посевмат
170 hryvnias.
Highly effective fertilizer 2 liters per 1t of seed material
Yuriy,Odesa region., 09-10-2024, Selling
Сульфоаммофос NPS 20:20+13S, 20:20+9s, 12:24+12S, 15:25+12S 4
23,000 UAH.
Sulfoammophos NPS 20:20+13S, 20:20+9s, 12 :24+12S, 15:25+12S - mineral fertilizer, is a universal, water-soluble, granular nitrogen-phosphorus pr...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Odesa region., 07-10-2024, Selling
Комплексное органоминеральное удобрение 2
7 грн.
Complex organomineral fertilizer. Complex organomineral fertilizer EM - "universal", containing macro and microelements, which will accept...
Sergey Anatolevych,Odesa region., 07-10-2024, I will sell
Пробиотики для растений и востановления жизни Земли 5
380 UAH.
Actinomycetes - bacteria for the earth Key advantages Actinomycetes are the most common in the soil: representatives of almost ...
Oleksandr Vitalyevich,Odesa region., 21-09-2024, Selling
Добриво Азотно-Фосфорно-Калійне NPK 8:24:24 (Туреччина)
30,300 UAH.
Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium fertilizer NPK 20:12:15+2Mg (Turkey) Complex granulated nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium Fertilizer includes all three main elements...
Fertilizers,Odesa region., 09-19-2024, Selling
Діамофоска 10:26:26; Диаммофоска 10:26:26 2
31,500 UAH.
Diammofoska is a highly effective, concentrated, highly effective nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizer. Produced in granular form,...
Fertilizers,Odesa region., 09-19-2024, Selling | ||756
Діамоній фосфат NP+S 18:46 Туреччина
34,200 UAH.
Highly concentrated fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus in a well-absorbed by plants, mainly water-soluble form. Low-hygroscopic, well calculated...
Fertilizers,Odesa region., 19-09-2024, Selling || |781
Сид Тритмент Novalon Seed Treatment 1 кг TERRA TARSA Турция удобрение для семян и рассады
450 UAH.
Novalon Seed Treatment Novalon Seed Treatment 1 kg TERRA TARSA Terra Tarsa fertilizer for seeds and seedlings PURPOSE Multicomponent fertilizer...
Bohdan,Odesa region., 14-09-2024, Selling
Микроудобрение Либро Саудовская Аравия
3959 UAH.|| |808
Микроудобрение Либро ТМ Астракем Саудовская Аравия. Высококачественное микроудобрение, легко и быстро растворяется, не выпадает в осадок, не забива...
Yuliya Agrotema LTD,Odesa region., 13-07-2024, Selling
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