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 / Cattle, horsesGoats, kids  / Odesa region.

Goats, kids in Odesa Region

Goats, goat kids for sale in Odesa / Odesa Oblast: 82 actual ads from breeders of Odesa Oblast with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy goats and kids in Odesa at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 112 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
2000 UAH.
I will sell 40% Nubian goats, 6 months. One hornless is brown-gray-black, one with horns is white. Also two goats 1.5 years old. One La Mancha (ears ...Price: UAH 2000.
Valentina Davydova,Odesa region., 28-09-2024, Sell/buy
500 UAH.
I will sell goats 50% Nubian goats and goats, age 1 month. We are located in Odessa region (suburbs)Price: 500 UAH.
Valentina Davydova,Odesa region., 28-09-2024, Sell/buy
Терміново продам кози 2
Терміново продам коз. Всього 180 голів. З них 45 козенят, половина дійних, половина на м'ясо. Ціна договірна Всі питання за телефоном
Ruslan,Odesa region., 22-07-2024, Sell/buy
500 UAH.| ||398
Продам двох козликів, біленьких. Народилися в квітні 2024 року. Вже харчуються травою. Від кози зааненької породи. Самовивіз з Одеського району (... Price: UAH 500.
Zhanna Yakovenko,Odesa region., 31-05-2024, I will sell/buy
2500 UAH.
I will sell Zaanen goats, as well as February goats and goats. Milk is very good without smell. The price is negotiable, if it will be cheaper to buy as a group. Goats are extra...Price: 2500 UAH.
Svetlana Pyskun,Odesa region., 04-11-2023, Sell/buy
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All Ukraine: | ||435Худоба, коні 670 / Goats, kids 81
Odesa region: Livestock, horses | ||44714 / Goats, kids 5
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Archived Ads
Продам козлика
5000 hryvnias.
I will sell per tribe. Purebred goat AMERICAN LAMANCH 4 years old. Calm. The price is negotiable. S. Yosypivka, Ovidiopol district, Odesa region. self-expression...
Mykola Ivanovych,Odesa region., Sell/buy
2 козлёнка
2 kids  
500 UAH.
I want to sell 2 kids for 500 hryvnias. Goats from the Cameroonian goat. a shaggy goat of the Norwegian type. long-haired, goats were born on March 30. About...
Nikolaevna Dydenko,Odesa region., Selling
Goats for sale. Three goats, age 3-5 months, color white, small horns. The price is negotiable.
Akishyna,Odesa region., I will sell
Cameroon goats for sale. Goat and goat. Age 1.5 years. Color - "Dalmatians" (white spots on a black background). The price is negotiable.
Akishina,Odesa region., I will sell
5500 UAH.
Anglo-Nubian 75% goat for sale. The goat is 3 years old. It is possible to exchange for the same one to renew the blood. We are located in the suburbs of Odessa
Akishina,Odesa region., I will sell
Продам козенят 2
Продам козенят - кізочки та козлики - 5 штук. 1 місяць від народження (травень 2023 року) Самі пасуться, але і молоко п'ють. Від молочних кіз ...
Zhanna Yakovenko,Odesa region., I will sell
1000 UAH.
I will sell a herd of dairy goats. Interested wholesale. The price is negotiable. Odesa region. All questions by phone. Viktor.
Tatiana Ternavskaya,Odesa region., I will sell
2.5 UAH.|| |694
Продам кіз 3 роки та 1,5 року. Порода українська , окрас чорна та світло-коричнева. 3 -річна дає 3л молока. без специфічного запаху. Всі питання по...
Akishina,Odesa region., I will sell
Продам англо-нубийских козлят 14
2500 грн.
Anglo-Nubian goats for sale 87.5% and 75% high-milk goats. Age 2.5 months, drink milk, eat grass, cereals. Er...
Lyudmila,Odesa region., I will sell
Продам коз англо-нубийских 8
5000 грн.
Goats of 75% Anglo-Nubian breed, age 1 hour 7 months, primroses from high-milking 50% Zaano-Nubian goats and 100% Nubian goats for sale. On...
Lyudmila,Odesa region., I will sell
Продам козлов англо-нубийских 4
2500 грн.
Goats for sale 75% Nubian breed age 1 hour. There are also 50% goats.
Lyudmila,Odesa region., I will sell
Продам козлика
300 UAH.
I will sell a young goat, born on April 29, self-est. The price is 300 hryvnias. Velikiy Dalnyk village, Oess district, tel.
Artyom Samoilenko,Odesa region., Selling
Продаются дойные Козы 5
3000 UAH.
Goats for sale. Goats are dairy, good, tame. Zaantsi and Lamancha breeds. Call to clarify prices.
Lyudmila,Odesa region., I will sell
Американских Ламанчей продам 2
3000 hryvnias.
Goats of the American La Manche breed are for sale. Great for two-time goating per hour. We buy kids from our goats. Goats of the American Channel many...
Victor Nikolaevich,Odesa region., I will sell
Молочные козы 3
150 €
Dairy breed goats are available and on order, any breed. There is delivery, NO PREPAYMENTS! Goats, which are available in the photo, yield from 4 to 6 liters ...
Viktor Nikolaevich,Odesa region., Selling
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