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Table eggs in Mykolaiv region|| |249

Продаж столових яєць гуртом (оптом) та вроздріб в Миколаєві / Миколаївській області: 88 актуальних оголошень від фермерів Миколаївської обл з прямими контактами. «Agro-Ukraine» дає відмінну можливість купити столові яйця в Миколаєві за вигідною ціною за рахунок широкого вибору пропозицій та відсутності посередників. Всі оголошення додаються безкоштовно, приблизно за 1-2 хв.
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Mykolaiv region: Table eggs 0
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45 hryvnias.
I will sell homemade chicken eggs, you can also wholesale them on a permanent basis, for information, write to Viber MaximPrice: 45 hryvnias.
Maks Maks,Mykolaiv region., Sell/buy
Яичный порошок Гост
140 hryvnias.
We constantly sell egg powder, whey, milk powder and its analogues/substitutes. Egg powder - dry concentrated...Price: UAH 140.
Anna,Mykolaiv region., Sell/buy
Яичный порошок
95 hryvnias.
Egg powder is a dry concentrated mixture of chicken eggs. The product has a rich egg aroma. Egg powder preserves all benefits...Price: UAH 95.
Anna,Mykolaiv region., Sell/buy
Продам яйцо перепелиное 2
I am selling quail egg in a package. Tray-20 UAH. Wholesale price negotiable.
Nikolay Yuryevich,Mykolaiv region., Sell/buy
Перепелиные яйца
0.8 UAH.
Sale of quail eggs - 0.80 UAH. for an egg We are: SE "PLEMREPRODUKTOR" STEPOVE" code 00854995. Information by phone: ; lexander Myk...Price: UAH 0.8.
Aleksandr Nikolaevich,Mykolaiv region., Sell/buy
Домашнє куряче яйце
30 UAH.
We accept orders for homemade chicken eggs. We accept orders for homemade chicken eggs. Delivery or pickup is possible. Order by phone
Fresh fish,Mykolaiv region., Sell/buy
Продам перепелиные яйца оптом
16 UAH.
The price is 80 kopecks per egg. I will sell quail eggs wholesale and retail with home farm. Blister packaging. Feed with compound feed of our own production...
Yevgeny,Mykolaiv region., Selling
Продам яйца высшего качества 2
11 hryvnias.
I will sell eggs of the highest quality 1,2 categories C0 C1 C2 eggs packed in a cardboard box of 360 pieces in a box of 12 latkovs of 30 pieces constantly fresh product...
Dmitry,Mykolaiv region., I will sell
Продам Яйца куриные от молодых кур, постоянно в наличии только свежие 6
18 hryvnias.
I will sell chicken eggs from young chickens, only fresh dietary eggs are always available! C-2 price 15 UAH per dozen, C-1 price 18 UAH per dozen! It will be...
Yury Stepanovych,Mykolaiv region., I will sell
КУПЛЮ ЯЙЦО С0 коричневое на экспорт
I will buy a large brown chicken egg for export. The weight of the box is 24 kg, the weight of the tray is 1,800
Igor,Mykolaiv region., Buy
Яйцо куриное СО+, СО, С1, С2, от произодителя ОПТОМ
17 UAH.
Our company wholesales premium chicken eggs of the highest category (c-0), first category (c-1), second category (c-2). dirty Also re...
Aleksandr,Mykolaiv region., I will sell
20 hryvnias.
I will sell a homemade egg of my own production. It is also possible to sell geese and ducks
Valentyn Pavlovich,Mykolaiv region., I will sell
10.35 hryvnias.
I will sell chicken eggs wholesale and retail of good quality and delivery ,,,,,
Aleksandr,Mykolaiv region., I will sell
Куплю яйцо куриное столовое от 500 шт. расщет по факту г. Николаев на постоянной основе
BORIS,Mykolaiv region., Buy
Домашние перепелиные яйца 2
6 UAH.
Quail meat and eggs are among the most valuable dietary products. Humanity has known about their benefits and unique properties since ancient times, he...
Stas,Mykolaiv region., I will sell
Продам яйця столові курячі С-1, С-2.
The company sells chicken canteen eggs of all categories, wholesale in unlimited quantities, the entire package of accompanying documents and the quality of the products is high...
Oleksiy,Mykolaiv region., Selling
6.5 грн.
I will sell high-quality ecologically clean chicken eggs, 1400-1600 pcs. per day, the chickens live at home in compliance with sanitary standards, walk n...
Ilya Olehovych,Mykolaiv region., Selling
/ ua/