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Консервовані гриби в Львівській обл

Sale of canned mushrooms by group (wholesale) and retail in Lviv / Lviv region: current ads from sellers in the Lviv region with direct contacts "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy canned mushrooms in Lviv at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found, ads: 7 (including archived ones). Displayed: 1 - 7. Display mode:
Шампіньйони консервовані Helcom солоні, різані, 2, 55 кг. Власний імпорт
Helcom canned champignons, salted, sliced, 2.55 kg. Own import, a large assortment. Order in large batches and get favorable ...
Eurocommerce,Lviv region., 21-11-2024, Sell/buy
Продам білі гриби
300 UAH.| ||440
Продам білі гриби Мариновані за дуже смачним рецептом,а також є сушені за більш детальною інформацією звертайтесь за телефоном Price: UAH 300.
Volodymyr,Lviv region., 10-11-2024, Sell/buy
Current ads
all Ukraine
Archived announcements
Продам гриби білі мариновані 3
250 hryvnias.
For sale white pickled mushrooms collected in the Carpathians, super quality, no worms. There is a volumePrice: UAH 250.
Ruslan. =75 UAH.Львівська обл., Продам / купити
Продам мариновані гриби Трутовики сірчано-жовті
75 грн.
Marinated sulphur-yellow tinder or Laetiporus sulphureus is a good edible mushroom, a real delicacy, has a soft fleshy consistency and ...Price: UAH 75.
Mykola,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Гриби білі мариновані 2
150 грн.
I will sell pickled mushrooms of good quality, not wormy, Carpathian. The price of 0.5 l - 150 hryvnias, 1 l - 230 hryvnias.Price: UAH 150.
Ruslan,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Продам печериці мариновані та консервовані 6
40 hryvnias.
I will sell pickled and canned mushrooms of my own production. We offer a high quality product at a good price. The assortment is presented as follows...
Vasylyna Moroz,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Печериці (шампіньйони, шампиньоны) консервовані 2
32 hryvnias.
"European" whole champignons 0.46l - 32.65 Champignons "European" cut 0.46l - 28.60 Champignons "European"...
Volodymyr,Lviv region., For sale
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