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Veterinary equipment in the Lviv region

Sale of veterinary equipment by group (wholesale) and retail in Lviv / Lviv region: 72 actual ads from sellers in the Lviv region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy veterinary equipment in Lviv at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 26 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Дезинфекционные установки
58,800 UAH with Prof. =, 02-10-2024, Sell/buy
Дезинфекционные установки применяются для проведения ветеринорно-санитарных противоэпизоотических и лечебных мероприятий в очагах инфекции и с проф... Ціна: 58 800 грн.
Львовагромашпроект, Львівська обл., 02-10-2024, Продам / купити
Катетери для запліднення основних свиноматок IMV 3
2 UAH.
Catheter for insemination of primary sows, 25 pcs in a package (without cap) They are used for insemination of the main sows. Made of ...Price: UAH 2.
FG Shevret,Lviv region., 18-06-2024, Sell/buy
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Ушная бирка для поросят, овец, коз, без номера, круглая 2, 7х2, 7см
4 hryvnias.
Ear tags are used to identify all types of animals (pigs, cows, sheep, goats, etc.) They have high plasticity, strength and stability...Price: UAH 4.
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Маркер для бирок черный, двухсторонний
90 грн.
Marker for tags, black, double-sided, is used for applying numbering on ear tags (clips). Marker ink dries quickly, does not fade on ...Price: UAH 90.
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Ушная бирка для поросят, овец, коз, с номером, круглая 2, 7х2, 7см 3
4.2 hryvnias.
Ear tags are used to identify all types of animals (pigs, cows, sheep, goats, etc. .) They have high plasticity, strength and stability...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Маркер для маркировки животных RAIDEX
55 грн.
Marker - pencil is used for quick and easy marking of animals (pigs, cattle, sheep and goats). The marking remains on the pig's body for one day...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Sell/buy
Щипцы для кастрации свиней, овец, коз резиновыми кольцами 2
220 hryvnias.
Forceps (applicator) for castration with rubber rings are intended for applying rubber rings for castration in pigs, sheep and goats. Bloodless ...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Selling
Ножницы для стрижки овец и коз
UAH 350.
Sheep shears are used for shearing an animal without special skills. The "double" connecting handle (in the shape of a heart) provides ho...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Selling
Пластина для тест-мастита ( для пробы Шальма), белая
90 грн.
A plate with four bowls for examining milk samples from each quarter of the udder. Designed for effective diagnosis of the early stages of the disease...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Selling
Ушная бирка без номера, 4, 2х5, 0 см 3
7 UAH.
Ear tags are used to identify all types of animals (pigs, cows, sheep, goats, etc.) They have high plasticity, strength and stability...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., I will sell
Шприц Экоматик с шлангом на 5 мл (ECO-MATIC) 2
750 hryvnias.
Ekomatik automatic syringe is used for precise dosing of medicines for mass treatment of animals (vitaminization, deworming, etc.)
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Selling
Пластина для тест-мастита ( для пробы Шальма), черная
90 грн.
Intended for effective diagnosis of early stages of mastitis in cows, goats, sheep and other types of dairy animals. Plate with four...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., I will sell
Газовый прибор для купирования хвостов у поросят, с прижимом
1850 hryvnias.
Gas device for clipping tails with clamp, intended for clipping tails in piglets to prevent cannibalism among pigs, which...
Agro ARTim LLC,Lviv region., Selling
Автоматичний інєктор револьвер
1024 UAH.
Automatic revolver injector! The semi-automatic revolver-type syringe is precise in dosing and convenient in operation. The ring is a regulator on the revolver allowing...
Kostyuk Nadia Igorivna,Lviv region., Selling
Автоматичний шприц з шлангом
1024 UAH .
Automatic syringe with a hose, connected to a LL needle, a convenient handle to use, made of high-quality plastic!
Kostyuk Nadiya Igorivna,Lviv region., For sale
Продам!!!поїлка соскового типу для поросят, свиней на відгодівлі та свиноматок
44 hryvnias.
Drinkers nipple type (stainless steel)! manufacturer Pakistan! for suckling piglets 1/2*3/8 (up to 15 kg) - 44 UAH, for piglets and pigs (8-120 kg) - 1/1*1/2-46 UAH ...
Kostyuk Nadia Igorivna,Lviv region., Selling
Ветеринарний шприц Eco-matic
760 UAH.
Used for administration of medicines, vitamins and vaccines! 5 ml!
Kostyuk Nadia Igorivna,Lviv region., Selling
Вушні бірки з нумерацією
12.67 UAH .
High-quality plastic maintains elasticity at extreme temperatures and other factors! The metal and sharp tip provides easy pro...
Kostyuk Nadia Igorivna,Lviv region., Selling
Лампа інфрачервона PAR 100, 150, 175 Вт
150 UAH.
Shock-resistant, waterproof lamp that directs heat directly to animals! WORKING TIME UP TO 5000 HOURS!
Kostyuk Nadia Igorivna,Lviv region., Selling
Одноразовий катетер для штучного осіменіння
3.75 UAH.
Disposable catheter with a safety device for semen leakage! used for artificial insemination of main and repair sows! made of non-toxic...
Kostyuk Nadia Igorivna,Lviv region., Selling
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