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 / Fertilizers and plant protection products  / Kirovohrad region.

Fertilizers and plant protection products in the Kirovohrad region

Sale of fertilizers and plant protection products by group (wholesale) and retail in the Kropyvnytskyi / Kirovohrad region: 4327 current ads from sellers of the Kirovohrad region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy fertilizers and plant protection products in Kropyvnytskyi at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 238 ads. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||320
Суперфосфат 9:30 9S
27,000 UAH.
Highly effective nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer for all agricultural crops, containing, in addition to nitrogen and phosphorus, a water solution ...Price: UAH 27,000.
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 13-10-2024, Sell/buy
Амофос NP 11:52 Марокко біг бег
35,000 UAH.
Amofos NP 11:52 is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer that is actively used by farmers to stimulate growth and increase yields of all crops. Until ...Price: UAH 35,000.
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 13-10-2024, Sell/buy
Яра мила 8:24:24 NPK Yara mila
39,000 UAH.
YaraMila NPK 8-24-24 +5SO3 (YaraMila NPK 8-24-24 +5SO3) is a complex granular fertilizer for the main introduction and feeding of various crops. M...Price: UAH 39,000.
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 13-10-2024, Sell/buy
Яра мила 12:24:12 NPK Yara mila
34,500 UAH.
YaraMila NPK 12-24-12 (YaraMila 12-24-12) is a high-quality granular NPK fertilizer for agriculture cultures With high phosphorus content. YaraMila 12-24-12 lives...Price: UAH 34,500.
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 13-10-2024, Sell/buy
Добриво мінеральне NP 12:24+12S супепфосфат Сумихімпром 2| ||426
22,000 UAH.
High-quality two-component mineral fertilizer with the optimal ratio of the main nutrients N:P2O5=1: 2. (Nitrogen 12%, Phosphorus 24%, Sulfur 12%...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 13-10-2024, Sell/buy
Аммофос NP 12 52 2| ||453
33,500 UAH.
Ammofos is a highly concentrated fertilizer containing phosphorus and nitrogen. The use of Ammofos ensures: increasing crop productivity; more...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 13-10-2024, Sell/buy
Продам стимулятор роста Гумат калия порошок 3| ||480
360 hryvnias.
We offer to your attention humate potassium. The composition was specially developed for application to the soil, by leaf in any convenient way (watering, drip spr...
AAZ Leonardite,Kirovohrad region ., 13-10-2024, Selling
Гербицид Таск Экстра 66.5 WG, Таск Экстра 66.5 WG цена, Таск Экстра 66.5 WG продажа, ціна
New post-emergence herbicide for enhanced control of annual and perennial grass and dicot weeds in corn crops for grain t...
Agro - 2000,Kirovohrad region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Куплю фунгициды, куплю протравители, куплю гербициды, Куплю просроченные средства защиты
I will buy agrochemicals, I will buy agrochemicals, I will buy szr, I will buy szr, I will buy herbicides, I will buy herbicides. I will buy agrochemicals Kharkiv, I will buy agrochemicals Vinnytsia I will buy...
Volodymyr,Kirovohrad region., 12-10-2024, I will buy
Линия удобрений БОР+ (Бор Баланс, Бор Нитро, Бор Макси) Добрива PARTNER 6
Specialized line of mineral fertilizers with high concentration of boron. It is the most effective with intensive cultivation technologies ...
PARTNER PF,Kirovohrad Region, 11-10-2024 , I will sell
Цинк Nitro N23 + S8 + Zn5 удобрение комплексное PARTNER 5
Effective complex, which includes 50 g of pure zinc in chelated form (EDTA), nitrogen and sulfur. A high concentration of nitrogen and sulfur improves...
PARTNER PF,Kirovohrad Region, 11-10-2024, I will sell
Аміачна селітра 2
7800 hryvnias.
It ranks first in terms of efficiency among nitrogen fertilizers - a high nitrogen content contributes to obtaining high yields. Promotes good plant growth, improves...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Сульфат Амонію N21 S24 2
22,500 UAH.
NH4)2SO4, (N21 S24) It is a crystalline salt of white, yellowish or gray color, well soluble in water. Fertilizer is physiologically more acidic than ammonia...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Рідке комплексне добриво ЖКУ NP 11 37
19,800 UAH.
Zhku (11-37) is a highly effective, fast-acting fertilizer. It is an aqueous solution of ammonium phosphates, contains two nutrients: nitrogen and phosphorus in sp...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Яра міла NPK 7:20:28 Yara
34,000 UAH.
AraMila NPK 7-20-28 (YaraMila 7-20-28) is a high-quality granular NPK fertilizer for agricultural crops. Contains as an immediately available thread...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Яра Міла NPK 16:27:7
34,500 UAH.
YaraMila 16-27-7 is a high-quality granular NPK fertilizer for agricultural crops. With high phosphorus content. Contains as immediately available...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Азотно фосфорний комплекс NPS 12:40:10 добриво
32,500 UAH.
Advantages of Fertilizer: 1 Complex nutrition The product includes eight power elements that will ensure a quick start and stable development...
Agroliga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Диаммонийфосфат NP 18:46
33,000 UAH.
Highly concentrated phosphorous fertilizer. It is optimal for providing any agricultural crop with a complete phosphorus nutrition for the entire pe...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Аммофос, диаммофоска, карбамид, нитроаммофоска, суперфосфат, селитра, сульфоамофос
7800 hryvnias.
The company supplies mineral fertilizers on a permanent basis. Always available in warehouses Nitrogenous fertilizers: Urea, Ammonia se...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
Удобрение жидкое азотное КАС 32 2
7500 UAH.
Liquid fertilizer KAS-32 - is a solution of urea with ammonium nitrate and contains 32% nitrogen. KAS has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH...
Agrolyga TD, LLC,Kirovohrad region., 10-10-2024, Selling
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