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Organic fertilizers in Kyiv region

Sale of organic fertilizers by group (wholesale) and retail in Kyiv region: 186 relevant ads from sellers of the Kyiv region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy organic fertilizers in the Kyiv region at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 33 ads. Shown: 1 - 20. Display mode:| ||336
NPK Деструктор Філазоніт, біопрепарат бактеріальний (Угорщина) Добрива, удобрения
4800 €
Order from 2000 l. NPK Stubble destructor Filazonite, bacterial biological preparation (Hungary), canisters are protected by a factory seal. Spreads 80%...Price: 4800 €
PHILAZONITE UKRAINE,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
БиоГумат Plantonit BioGumate - природно-енергетичний препарат, гуматне добриво 2
*Canister 20 l. Consumption rate: 2-3 l/ha Plantonit BioGumate is a complex natural-energetic preparation of contact-systemic action for strengthening ros...
PLANTONIT®,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Продам / купити
Коровяк Сыпец Перегной коровий в мешках Киев и область 4
85 hryvnias.
We are selling excellent, well-rotted cow manure, manure. Big bags of 60 liters each. We deliver in Kyiv and the region. Self-delivery is available. Also always in ...Price: UAH 85.
Vladimir Vasilyevich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Перегной в мешках Нивки Сырец Перегной Киев Доставка 5
75 UAH.
We sell humus in bags - the best organic fertilizer. Bags of 65 liters, large, full. Completely rotten humus (2 years old and sick...Price: UAH 75.
Vladimir Vasilyevich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Перегной Боярка Тарасовка Перегной в мешках Киевская область Натуральное удобрение 5
75 UAH.
We offer the best fertilizer for the garden, garden, and flowers. Humus is a completely natural, environmentally friendly, organic fertilizer. contained in...Price: UAH 75.
Vladimir Vasilievich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Перегной в мешках киев Перегной Киевская область 9
75 hryvnias.
Frequently asked question: what compost is more effective? According to the content of nutrients, horse and rabbit manure are in first place. Love composition...
Vladimir Vasilyevich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Перегной купить Стоянка Ирпень Перегной в мешках Киевская область 4
75 hryvnias.
We prepare and sell the best organic fertilizer - horse manure. The main advantages of buying manure from us: 1. We are engaged in racing...
Vladimir Vasilievich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, I will sell
Перегній кінський Київ Перегній в мішках Голосеевский район Совки 4
75 UAH.
We offer horse manure in bags. We deliver in Kyiv and the region. We also release humus from our warehouse. We work without days off. Always in...
Vladimir Vasilievich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, I will sell
Коровий перегной Киев Коровяк в мешках Киев Перегной 5
85 hryvnias.
We sell quality cow manure in bags. The bags are big and full. The humus is completely rotted. More than 3 years. Sypets There is also a horse pe...
Vladimir Vasilyevich,Kyiv region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Гній, перегній коров#039;ячий, курячий послід, грибний компост
650 UAH.
Buy manure, cow manure, chicken droppings, fertile chernozem, surface, mushroom compost. Delivery by trucks from 5 to 10 tons.
Viktor Ivanovich,Kyiv region., 11-10-2024, I will sell
БОР 150 - висококонцентроване органо-мінеральне добриво збагачене азотом і б/а речовинами
150 UAH.
Садполіс,Kyiv region., 08-10-2024, For sale
Гумат калію - рідке органомінеральне добриво на гумінових кислотах 2
1950 UAH.
Potassium humate is a liquid organomineral preparation based on humic acids. It has a comprehensive effect on such basic life processes...
Sadpolis,Kyiv region., 08-10-2024 , I will sell
Сапропель, ил (мул) удобрение 3
2000 UAH.
I will sell sapropel, silt (silt) fertilizer. The best analyzes on the market, flexible pricing! Kiev region, Bohuslav district. The price is UAH 1000. for 1 t...
Ruslan,Kyiv region., 07-10-2024, Selling
180 UAH.
Bor, for all cultures, especially grain, technical, leguminous, monocultures, vegetables, vineyards, etc. The effect speaks for itself. Each batch...
AgroHermesUkraine,Kyiv region., 06-10-2024, Selling
Органічне добриво (Попіл з соняшника) 3
220 UAH.
Organic fertilizer (ash) from sunflower. Bag 10-12 kg (light ). Forwarding Nova Poshta and UkrPoshta. You can also pick up by pickup (Osokorky-6 km from the city of Slav...
Serhiy Halyuk,Kyiv region., 01-10-2024, I will sell
ЭКОГУМИНАТ+ эффективное для роста растений удобрение
19.9 UAH.
Natural soil additive for garden, vegetable garden, fields The most effective fertilizer that brings results! Yield increases 2-3 times. 70 kg &q...
Andrey,Kyiv region., 01-10-2024, Selling
Органічний відновлювач гумусу та поживних речовин –леонардит. Восстановитель гумуса
10 hryvnias.
Leonardite due to the content of 65-80% of humic and fulvic acids improves the structure of the soil, prevents high losses of moisture and nutrients in the soil...
Ekaterina,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, I will sell
Органічне добриво Леонардит від виробника містить до 85% гумінові та фульфові кислоти 6
50 UAH.
LEONARDIT - organic fertilizer for growing organic products. • Organic fertilizer, growth stimulant ready for direct use. •Adv...
Ekaterina,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, I will sell
Продам восстановитель плодородия почвы – Леонардит
10 UAH.
I offer leonardite for: 1. Land cover reclamation and humus content increase. 2. Restoring the fertility of the earth. 3. Reclamation...
Ekaterina,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Органическое удобрение Здоровье нации
110 hryvnias.
The product of TM "Healthy Life" under the name "Nation's Health" is a universal, environmentally friendly, loose organic fertilizer...
Viktor,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, Selling
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