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 / Services for agriculture  / Harvest  / Kyiv region.

Agricultural harvesting services in the Kyiv region

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Комбайны Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case на длительное время
Agrospetstrans 888 company offers to use the service of combine harvesters of leading brands for long-term harvesting of grain crops. In the car park...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 21-11-2024, I will provide the service
Внесение КАС Самоходными опрыскивателями
Service of sprayers by introduction of KAS (carbido-ammonia mixture) and other fertilizers in the pre-sowing period and during the growing season of agricultural ...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv region., 11-21-2024, I will provide a service
Услуги по ОБРАБОТКЕ ПОЛЕЙ, Украина
Company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides Field Tillage Services with imported equipment: plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, sowing, etc. Issue...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv region., 11-21-2024, I will provide a service
Збір урожаю 2024р, оренда комбайнів
+ Agroenterprise "Agrospetstrans 888" offers for rent combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain crops for a long term. In the fleet of...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Послуги по збиранню врожаю 2024р
___RENT OF HARVESTS , UKRAINE___ Agroenterprise "Agrospetstrans 888" offers for rent combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain crops for t...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide the service
Уборка урожая
We provide harvesting services agricultural crops (corn, soybeans, sunflower, early cereals). The company's fleet has a car...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Предоставляем в долгосрочную аренду сельхозтехнику на уборку зерновых и масличных культур
- The agricultural company offers for long-term rent combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain crops. The company's fleet is equipped with technology...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Предоставим услуги уборки сахарной и кормовой свеклы комбайнами HOLMER
Агропредприятие «Агроспецтранс 888» предоставляет услуги по уборке урожая сахарной и кормовой свеклы с использованием высокопроизводительных свекло...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Уберем Ваш урожай быстро и качественно
Our the company provides harvesters of imported brands for harvesting corn, sunflower and soybeans. Leading brands are collected in the agricultural enterprise's fleet...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Послуги збору урожаю, оренда комбайнів, Україна
* ОРЕНДА КОМБАЙНІВ, УКРАЇНА * * В автопарку компанії надана техніка всесвітньо відомих брендів: Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case. Техні...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide the service
Комбайны Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case
The company offers Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case and other combine harvesters for sale. in installments Agricultural machinery of the company pre...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide the service
Аренда комбайнов на длительный период
We rent in long-term rent of combines of leading brands for harvesting grain crops. The company's fleet includes world-famous equipment...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024
Уборка сельхозкультур комбайнами Claas Lexion и John-Deere 2
Agropredpriyatie "AGROSPETSTRANS 888" - a company with many years of experience provides services for harvesting agricultural crops (wheat, corn...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Агропредприятие предоставляет услуги по пахоте, культивации, дискованию, посеву
- Agropredpriyatie "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for plowing fields, as well as disking, cultivation, spraying and sowing We complete the entire computer...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv region., 11-20-2024, I will provide a service | ||764
Дисковка почвы, пахота, культивация, посев
Soil disking, plowing, cultivation, sowing We perform a full range of works with tractors of well-known brands: Fendt, Challenger, John-Deere, New Holland...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv region.|| |774, 20-11-2024, Надам послугу
Опрыскивание полей, разбрасывание мин. удобрений, дисковка, культивация и др
* "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for processing fields with imported equipment: plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, sowing, scattering...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv region., 20-11-2024, I will provide a service
Услуги по пахоте (вспашке), а также дискованию, культивации и посеву почвы
Services for plowing (ploughing), as well as disking, cultivation and sowing soil Agricultural enterprise "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for plowing fields, ...
AgroSpetsTrans 888,Kyiv region., 20 -11-2024, I will provide a service
ОБРАБОТКА ПОЛЕЙ: пахота, культивация, посев, дискование, разбрасывание удобрений
* * The company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides services for processing fields with imported equipment: plowing, discing, spraying, cultivation, sowing...
AgroSpetsTrans 888,Kyivska reg. marks, 20-11-2024, Надам послугу
Аренда комбайнов ведущих марок
Agrospetstrans 888 provides services for the rental of agricultural machinery: Claas Lexion 480, 560, 580, 760, 770 combines; harvesters John Deere 625,...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 19-11-2024, I will provide the service
Услуги уборки урожая
"Agrospetstrans 888" offers combine harvesters of leading brands for long-term grain harvesting. The company's car fleet is provided with...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 19-11-2024, I will provide a service
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