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 / Fruits, berries, nuts  / Apples  / Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Яблука в Івано-Франківській обл

Sales of apples of the 2024 harvest in large and small groups (wholesale) in Ivano-Frankivsk / Ivano-Frankivsk region: 563 actual ads from gardeners in Ivano-Frankivsk region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy apples in Ivano-Frankivsk at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found, ads: 11. Displayed: 1 - 11. Display mode:
Купуємо яблука. Самовивіз
9.5 UAH.
We buy apples for industrial processing from 24 tons. Payment in cash. We pick up from the place. Details by phone.Price: 9.5 UAH.
Tetyana,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 29-09-2024, I will buy
Продам яблоки де кілька сортів з 5 тонн 3
I will sell apples of several varieties. From farmers. For export and across Ukraine. We ship from 5 tons. My WhatsApp and Viber phone numbers. Oleksandr These...
Agroproduktsiya,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 09-29-2024, Sell/buy | ||458
Куплю яблука на переробку по Україні
9.5 UAH.
We constantly buy apples for processing in Ukraine. Pickup From 20 tonsPrice: 9.5 UAH.
Volodymyr Viktorovych,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 29-09-2024, I will buy
Куплю яблука на переробку від 24 тонн
Куплю яблука з місця на промпереробку від 24 тонн. За деталями телефонуйте. Розрахунок готівкою.
Serhiy. Івано-Франківська обл., 26-09-2024, Куплю
Мойка корнеплодов, яблока, баклажана, огурцов, кабачка
75 000 грн.
Detailed photos and specifications by phone. A lot of other equipment on our site.Price: UAH 75,000.
Tatiana Timofeevna,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 21-09-2024, Sell/buy
Продам яблучні кубики 2
295 hryvnias.
Apple cubes of our own production. Quality is guaranteed! Apple cubes are a delicacy that is not only very tasty, but also useful due to the absence of ...Price: UAH 295.
"Agroeco-technologies", | ||556Івано-Франківська обл., 19-09-2024, Sell/buy
Продам свіжі яблука
24 UAH.|| |575
Свіжі яблучка, наявний великий обʼєм. Ціна вказана за 1 кг. Всі сертифікати якості - наявні. Сорти - різні, питайте!
“Agroeco-technologies”,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 19-09-2024, Sell/buy Call the number Preferably Ivano-Frankivsk region, but you can go further.
Куплю Яблука Оптом Дорого
Куплю яблука самовивіз Дорого Дзвоніть за номером Бажано Івано Франківська область але можна і дальше
Otaman Vladyslav,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 17-09-2024, I will buy
There are apples on sale, purchase partners are interested on a permanent basis all over Ukraine, prices and terms of cooperation, write to Viber, Telegram.
AgroOpt,Ivano-Frankivsk region ., 16-09-2024, Sell/buy
Куплю яблуко крупним оптом від 20 тонн на сік, підбір
The wholesale company buys apples in large quantities capacity from 20 tons. Different varieties and calibers are of interest. We work throughout the territory of Ukraine! Phone...
Gifts of the Motherland,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 01-09-2024, I will buy
Продам яблука
10 UAH.| ||667
Продам яблука різних сортів 09877729105 Тарас
Tanya Ilitych,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 17-01-2024, Sell/buy
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