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Seeds , seedlings and seed materials in Ivano-Frankivsk region

Sale of seeds, seedlings and seed materials by group (wholesale) and retail in Ivano-Frankivsk / Ivano-Frankivsk region: 1508 actual ads from farmers in Ivano-Frankivsk region with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy seeds, seedlings and sowing materials in Ivano-Frankivsk at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found, ads: 24. Displayed: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Саджанці смородини.Тісель, Тібен, БенТіран, Орес, Гоферт, Рубен, Ювілейна 5
20 hryvnias.
We accept orders for currant seedlings of the varieties: Tisel, Tiben, BenTirran, Ores, Hofert, Ruben, Jubilee Kopanya, Black Desert These varieties are suitable...Price: UAH 20.
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Розсада суниці лісової Регіна, Рюген, Алі-Баба 2
3 hryvnias.
We accept orders for forest strawberry seedlings of the following varieties: Regina, Rügen, Ali-Baba for establishment of industrial plantations and for amateurs. Seedlings grown...Price: UAH 3.
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Продам / купити
Насіння спаржі.Семена спаржи Guelph Eclipse Guelph Equinox Guelph Millennium, Аржентельськ 2
We accept orders for asparagus seeds: Hybrids: Packed in packages of 1,000 pieces or more The price is from 5 to 10 thousand . For wholesale orders, contact T...Price: $130
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Фіолетова спаржа, насіння
150 $
Seeds are packaged in packages of 1000 pcs Minimum order 1 package The price is from 1 thousand to 10 thousand 1800 $ From 10 to 100 thousand 150$ Rosalie F1 -hyb...Price: $150
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Sell/buy
Живці порічки. Черенки порічки. Ровада, Роднеус, Віксне, ДжонкерВанТес
2 hryvnias.
We accept orders for cuttings of currant varieties: Rowada Rodneus Viksne JonkerVanTes . The minimum order of one variety is 500 pcs Present ob�...
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Selling / buy
Саджанці порічки.Порічка.Ровада, Роднеус, Віксне, Джонкер Ван Тес. Саджанці порічки 3
15 hryvnias.
We accept orders for red currant (currant) seedlings. Varieties: Viksne Jonker Van Tess Rowada Rodneus . Minimum order of one s...
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Selling / buy
Купити розсаду спаржі. Gijnlim, Guelph Equinox, Аржентельська 4
4 UAH.
We accept orders for the root system of asparagus Varieties and hybrids are available. Seedlings of our own production and import from Holland Minimum order...
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Selling
Саджанці обліпихи. Клара, Мара, Дора, Єва, Лейкора 8
50 hryvnias.
Sea buckthorn seedlings of our own production, open root: From 10 pcs to 100 pcs -Leikora, Podilskyi, Lybid for autumn we offer 45 hryvnias/pc -Klara...
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, Selling || |869
Чорна горобина. Аронія сорт Галіціянка. Саджанці аронії оптом 3
25 UAH.
Pot P9 Minimum order 50 pcs. . Aronia black-fruited Galician is a variety of Polish selection of the Albigowa Institute of Horticulture, which is very fruitful...
VIMAGRO,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 12-10-2024, I will sell
Продам розсаду родіоли рожевої 2
UAH 35.
I will sell seeds and seedlings of pink rhodiola (Golden root), yellow rhodiola (Ginger) and others. Seedlings are grown from seeds and division of rhizomes. There are yards...
Panski herbs,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 07-10-2024, Selling
Продам саджанці полуниці 75 сортів, (ЗКС) в горщиках 200 мл 12
15 UAH.
We accept orders for strawberry seedlings. Shipping will start from mid-July. We have a collection of the best varieties of world selection. Seedlings...
Iryna,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 05-10-2024, Selling
Продам саджанець Абрикос садовий урожайний 7|| |970
45 hryvnias.
Apricot is a fruit miracle. Apricot is a pleasant-tasting, nutritious, aromatic and useful fruit. Warm and sunny valleys of P...
are considered the homeland of these fruits Maryna Tsvetkova,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 02-10-2024, Selling
Продам саженцы вишни садовой Мореля 7
15 hryvnias.
Morel garden cherry seedlings, berry diameter 2 cm. Sweet, constantly productive, winter-hardy. It's good that you can't wait for autumn and grow your own cherry...
Maryna Tsvetkova,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 02-10-2024, Selling
Dome of Phacelium. Calculation form F-1. No quarantine. Tara BIG-BEGy. Similarity according to GOST
LLC "Kolyar",Ivano-Frankivsk region., 30-09-2024, I will buy
Non-magnetic alfalfa dome. Pickup Calculation form F-1. No quarantine. Tara BIG-BEGy.
LLC "Kolyar",Ivano-Frankivsk region., 30-09-2024, I will buy
Куплю насіння люцерни немагніченої без карантину. Читота 98-99%, Об"єм 22т. Самовивіз. Тара покупця (наша) БІГ-БЕГи. Всі Характеристики згідно...
LLC "Kolyar",Ivano-Frankivsk region., 30-09-2024, I will buy
I will buy asparagus. Purity 98-99%. Similarity is at least 85%. Other indicators according to GOST. Delivery from the seller's warehouse. Packaging in our BIG-BEGs. Calculation...
LLC "Kolyar",Ivano-Frankivsk region., 30-09-2024, I will buy
Саджанці яблуня груша персик абрикос черешня вишня смородина фундук малина
25 hryvnias.
Seedlings of regionalized and adapted to our weather apple trees, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, cherries, nectarines, hazelnuts, persimmons...|| |1139
Юрій, Ivano-Frankivsk region., 23-09-2024, I will sell
Продаю саджанці плодових дерев яблунь, груш, слив, черешні, абрикосів 18
10 hryvnias.
Selling shrub and tree seedlings - almond, barberry, jasmine, yarrow, dogwood, hazelnut, goji berries, currants, currants, gooseberries, blackberries, grapes, mali...
Roman Mykhailovych,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 16-09-2024, Selling
Фацелія, оліна редька, грястиця, конюшина, розторопша, вика
The company buys, constantly, expensive: seeds of phacelia, oil radish, watercress, clover, timothy, ryegrass, amaranth, as well as flax evil...
Yaroslav,Ivano-Frankivsk region., 09-09-2024, I will buy
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