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Продам пеллеты от поставщика от 100 тонн 6
Urgently sell pellets from sunflower husks and wood. From the supplier. Let's release 100 tons. The price is negotiable. It is used as fodder ...
Agroproduction,Dnipropetrovsk region., 09-29-2024, Selling/ to buy
Продам дрова, обрезки, горбыль. Сосна, дуб, мдф 7
350 hryvnias.
Offcuts, stumps, cubes, bars, production waste - Pine, mdf. Dry and fresh sawdust. Wholesale and retail. Delivery in Kharkiv city, regions and Ukraine...Price: 350 UAH.
Sergey Mor,Kharkiv region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
Дизельне пальне для України
Виконуємо послуги з перевезення палива, світлих і темних нафтопродуктів та небезпечних вантажів (ADR) тягачем з напівпричепом-цистерною. Імпортує...
Yevhenii,Kyiv region., 29-09-2024
Продам Мазут М100
18,000 UAH.
100 ash low-sulfur paraffinic fuel oil. M-100 fuel oil. Delivery to any destination is possible. The cost of the band...Price: UAH 18,000.
Yevhenii,Kirovohrad region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
Бензин для України
We provide services for the transportation of light and dark petroleum products and dangerous goods (ADR) by a tractor with a tank semi-trailer to Ukraine. Impor...
Yevhenii,Poltava region., 29-09-2024
Газ скраплений вуглеводневий марки пропан-бутан автомобільний, Продам LPG
The company constantly sells wholesale volumes of LPG liquefied gas. The liquefied gas resource produced by the PKN Orlen concern is constantly available in G...
Yevhenii,Kyiv region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
Дрова колоті (сосна, береза) (Київська обл., Бучанський р-н) 6
1100 UAH.
Chopped firewood - pine from 1100 UAH/sq.m. Buchansky district, our delivery (calculated separately) or pickup. Lumber of our own production, ...Price: UAH 1100.
Yuriy,Kyiv region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
Продам Дрова!За договірною Ціною! В наявності метровка та колоті 2
I will sell firewood wood chipper and wood chipper, at a negotiated price., Delivery by own transport! Apply every day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., without days off!!! tel.
Volodymyr Serhiyovych,Poltava region., 29-09-2024, Sell/buy
Продаю Дрова метровки та колоті! Тверді породи!Договірна ціна
I sell firewood of hard wood (meter-sized and chopped), the price is negotiable, reasonable! Delivery is possible! Details by phone:
Volodymyr Serhiyovych,Poltava region., 29-09-2024, Selling
Паливні пелети з лушпиння соняшника 4
5000 UAH.
Physico-chemical parameters: Granule size: diameter 8.00 mm, length 18 mm. Mass fraction of total moisture, % - 9.8 Mass fraction of total ash 3.7...Price: UAH 5,000.
Etalon Gold,Khmelnytska region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Продаж ДРОВ 3
1500 hryvnias.
Firewood is chopped! (Mix) Acacia firewood. Birch firewood. Pine firewood. Alder firewood. Aspen firewood. Meter or chunks are cheaper. Price per stack meter. To...
Aleksey,Chernihiv region., 28-09-2024, Selling
В наявності дубові дрова (обаполи, обзели, обрізки)
6000 hryvnias.
Selling wood trimmings with sawmills! Firewood is big, not rails! It is good to use for kindling and maintaining the temperature. Delivery to Chernihiv and...
Aleksey,Chernihiv region., 28-09-2024, I will sell
Щепа древесная
Щепа древесная (сосновая). Фракция 20*70, влажность 40-50.,Kyiv, 28-09-2024, I will sell
Продам уголь ДГ 13-100, ДГ 50-200, ДГ 0-13
5500 UAH.
Coal for sale DH 13-100, ash 9-14%, DH 50-200, ash up to 10, DH 0-13, ash up to 25, ash up to 30% by automobile and wagon standards, available, on...
Igor,Dnipropetrovsk region., 28-09-2024, I will sell
Уголь ДГ 0-13, шлам угольный марок ДГ, Г (0-3), АРГИЛЛИТ, шламоконцентрат
Шлам угольный марок ДГ(0-3), с высокой теплотой сгорания, зольность 45-50, влага до 16. Шламоконцентрат зольность 17-23, Уголь ДГ 0-13 зольность...
Igor,Dnipropetrovsk region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Вугілля, шламоконцентрат, шлам вугільний, аргіліт, високої якості 4
We offer enriched sludge concentrate, ash content up to 17 Coal sludge of DH, G (0-3 mm) grades, with high heat of combustion, ash content 45-50, moisture up to...
Igor,Dnipropetrovsk region., 28-09-2024, I will sell
Продам уголь ДГ 13-100, ДГ 50-200, 0-13, высокого качества
2500 UAH.
Coal for sale DH 13-100, ash 9-14%, DH 50-200, ash up to 10, DH 0-13, ash 25-35% by automobile regulations, available in the territory of Dnipropetrovsk...
Igor,Dnipropetrovsk region., 28-09-2024, I will sell
Продадим уголь кокс доменный, коксовую мелочь
I will sell blast furnace coal, coke fines, wagon and automobile standards
Igor,Dnipropetrovsk region., 28-09-2024, I will sell
Продам уголь ДГ (13-100), вугілля
We sell DH coal (13-100) ash 10-14%, according to automobile and wagon standards
Igor,Dnipropetrovsk region., 28-09-2024, Selling
Пелети, брикети паливні з висівок пшениці 4
4600 UAH.
Realization of briquettes, pellets of our own production from bran and grain husks. Good quality, better combustion performance, minimal ash, no damage...
Tatyana,Zaporizka region., 28-09-2024, Selling
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