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Candies for bees

Sale of candies for bees by group (wholesale) and retail: current ads from Ukrainian farmers with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy candy for bees at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 21 ads (including archived ones). Shown: 1 - 20. Режим відображення:
Канди медовое лечебное с тимолом 1 кг
59 грн.
Паста канди, лечебное с тимолом, предназначена — для подкормки пчел и лечения от варроатоза, нозематоза и акарапидоза, а также для профилактики аск... Price: UAH 59.
Medo-Rai,Dnipropetrovsk region., 22-11-2023, Sell/buy
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Сахарная пудра для подкормки пчёл. Канди. Для Медовухи предел мечтаний 2
20 hryvnias.
The essence of INDUSTRIAL beekeeping is to steal honey (60-80 percent) from the bee colony. and feeds the bee-humanity with sugar powder, with a little bit of the day...Price: UAH 20.
KORMA-Eko, Kyiv region., Sell/buy
Канди Медовое для пчел 1 кг
54 hryvnias.
 Медовое канди для подкормки пчел применяют методом скармливания поздней осенью зимой и ранней весной, когда еще холодно и пчелы не могут брать кор... Price: UAH 54.
Medo-Rai,Dnipropetrovsk region., Sell/buy
Паста канди для пчел.Канді для бджіл. Від виробника 5
41.8 UAH.
Kanda paste for bees: From the manufacturer: Sale from: 25 kg. 1) Candies with inverted syrup 1 kg (code: K-1) Candy paste for...Price: UAH 41.8.
Mykhailo virobnishok,Transcarpathian region., Sell/buy
Канди медовое 1кг
51 UAH .
Feeding for kanda bees. Composition: honey - about 26%; powdered sugar - 74%; purified water - 0.18%; acetic acid - 0.02%.
MarianaUACrafts,Volyn region., Sell/buy
Канди ( мед, сахарный сироп, пыльцы 3%, нозетом) 1кг
44 UAH.
Candy composition (honey, sugar syrup, pollen 3%, nosetum) Instructions for use of Canda for bees for feeding (1 kg) Kandy is a hard dough-shaped...
Irina,Kyiv, Sell/buy
Апіфітонія» 100 мл на 10 бджолосімей
55 UAH.
"Apiphytonia" is an immune-stimulating drug for bees. An effective drug when carrying out a number of complex measures carried out by...
Irina,Kyiv, Selling
Канди + пыльца 1кг
43 UAH.
Candy (30g pollen, 930g powder, invented sugar syrup; 0.200g lemon juice). Instructions for using Kanda for bees for feeding ...
Irina,Kyiv, I will sell
Канди с нозетомом
40 hryvnias.
Instructions for using Canda for bees for feeding (1 kg) Kandy is a hard dough-like food for bees, prepared from natural honey, sah...
Irina,Kyiv, Selling
Канди здорова бджилка
40 UAH.
Kanda composition (honey, sugar syrup, pollen 3%, healthy bee) Instructions for use of Canda for bees for feeding (1 kg) Kandy is a hard tes...
Irina,Kyiv, I will sell
Канди для пчёл(Белый)
34 UAH.| ||710
Канди-твёрдая подкормка для пчёл в зимнее и весеннее время Одно из главных преимуществ канди перед сиропом в том, что при зимней подкормке он не в...
Irina,Kyiv, I will sell
Канди медовое 1 кг
31 UAH.
Candy is one of the most frequently used types of feeding bees during wintering. Feeding canda bees allows you to save families to ve...
Ivan,Dnipropetrovsk region., Selling
33 hryvnias.
Candies (50g honey, 30g pollen, 930g powder, invented sugar syrup; 0.200g lemon k-ta). Instructions for using Kanda for bees for...
Irina,Kyiv, Selling
Канди для пчёл (50гр- мёд, 930гр.- пудра, инвентированный сахарный сироп;
32 hryvnias.
Candies (50 g honey, 930 g powder, invented sugar syrup; 0.200 g lemon juice) with a thickness of no more than 6 mm can be placed above the frames and under the cover...
Irina,Kyiv, Selling
38 UAH .
Candies for bees (White) (930 g. - powder, invented sugar syrup; 0.200 g. lemon, Herbs (conifer, peppermint, garlic, lemon balm, eucalyptus, echinacea,...
Irina,Kyiv, Selling
33 hryvnias.
Candy composition (50 g - honey, 930 g - powder, invented sugar syrup; 0.200 g. lemon juice, nosemat) Instructions for using Kanda for bees for...
Irina,Kyiv, Selling
38 UAH.
Candy (30g-.pollen, 930g .-powder, inverted sugar syrup; 0.200 g. lemon, nosemat, cobalt) Instructions for using Kanda for p...
Irina,Kyiv, I will sell
Продам канди для пчол 3
15 грн.
Description: honey candy is one of the most frequently used types of feeding bees during wintering, early spring, in off-season periods and ...
ANDREY,Zhytomyr region., I will sell
Канди подкормка для пчел 500 грамм. (мед, пыльца, сахар)
Kanda top dressing composition: 舒 honey is natural 舒 pollen 舒 sugar 舒 citric acid 舒 water Instructions for using Canda for bees: Kandy —testob...
Marina,Kharkiv region., I will sell
25 грн.
Candy - supplement for bees, made from inverted syrup and powdered sugar. Candies are placed on nesting frames in the form of cakes, as well as in...
Alexander,Khmelnytska region., Selling
1 2 ... next →
Candy for bees in Ukraine
Volyn region. 1* Dnipropetrovsk region. 1 Zhytomyr region. 1* Transcarpathian region. 1* Kyiv 12* Kyiv region. 1* Kharkiv region. 1* Khmelnytsk region. 1*
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