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Harvesting agricultural machinery

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Комбайн Джон Дір 935. 975. 1072. 1177 8
Only harvesters brought to Ukraine from Europe. Harvester from 2.5m to 5.5m depending on the model. The price of the cheapest 9700 Euro and 42000 Euro for John Deere 1...Price: 9700 €
Vitaliy,Rivna region., 09-30-2024, Sell/buy
Картоплекопачка однорядна (на бік і на зад) 2
32,000 UAH.
New potato digger single-row vibrating turntable conveyor Poland Delivery without PREPAYMENT throughout UkrainePrice: UAH 32,000.
Vitaliy,Volyn region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy
Картоплекопачка Bomet грохотна, вібраційна
New Polish single-row vibrating potato diggers, Bomet company. High-quality, reliable, well established in the Ukrainian fields. Good choice of ka...Price: $850
Vitaliy,Rivnenska region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy
Картоплекопачка вібраційна однорядна Bomet 4
Bomet single-row vibrating potato digger. High-quality, reliable, well established in the Ukrainian fields. He chooses potatoes well. Digger...Price: $1300
Vitaliy,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy
Картоплекопачка транспортерна Wirax
35,000 UAH.
New single-row conveyor diggers of the Wirax and Bomet company. Comes with a cutting knife (additional equipment) Reliable, high-quality, guarantee. UK delivery...
Vitaliy,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy potato harvesters
Картофелекопалка однорядная транспортер Wirax, вибрационная BOMET, вертушка 16
Vibration digger POLAND Original BOMET - intended for digging potatoes, beets, carrots and other tuberous plants. Kopalky river...
Vitaly,Rivnenska region., 30-09-2024, Sell/buy
КТН, Картофлекопалка Дворядна Польша 6
KTN, Kartoflekopalka Dvoryadna Poland Fresh football boots from Poland in very good condition. Comes with a new transporter.
Vitaliy,Rivnenska region., 30-09-2024, I will sell
Продається ріпаковий стіл MAANS-Rh 9500
Підприємство продає ріпакові столи MAANS-Rh 9500 2023року. Ширина захвату – 9 метрів. Привід ножів - планетарний Schumacher, бічні роздільники Zieg...
Agricultural enterprise,Kyiv, 30-09-2024, I will sell
Продаж Claas Tucano 470 в розстрочку 3
The agricultural enterprise is selling in installments a combine harvester Claas Tucano 470 of the year 2013. Engine: Mercedes Benz - 326 hp. Grain bunker ...
Agricultural enterprise,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Бу комбайн Claas Lexion 2002р 3
1. Claas Lexion 2002 year, CATARPILLER engine, 7.5m header. Vario, rapeseed table with one knife. Rotor, working condition. Price $47,000. Combine everything works...
Partner tire,Vinnytsia region., 30-09-2024, Selling || |645
Комбайн Lexion 580 Claas (зерноуборочный) 7
Used combine harvester Lexion 580 Claas Technique: Combine harvester Manufacturer: Claas Model: Lexion 580 Year of issue: 2004  Working hours in moto/chas...
Partner tire,Lviv region., 30-09-2024, For sale
Бункер-накопичувач перевантажувальний бнп-20 5
Bunker-accumulator transshipment BNP-20 is intended for transportation of loose materials (grain, mineral fertilizers, etc.), their overloading in ...
Partner tire,Chernihiv region. , 30-09-2024, For sale
Бу комбайн case2388 Американец
75,000 $
For sale CASE 2388 -2007 h. Working hours 3500-2500 m/h American !!! Grain harvester 7.6 m Brought to Ukraine in 2018 Worked 1 season Located...
Partner tire,Poltava region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Зерновой бункер перегрузчик БНП
Good day! Our company offers you joint business development! EGRITECH trading house, is an exclusive distributor of sel...
Partner tire,Zaporizhia region., 30-09- 2024, Selling
Бу комбайн Claas Lexion 580
Combine in perfect condition Brand: Claas Model: 580 Working hours: 4500 m/h Grain harvester 9 m. Brought to Ukraine in 2018. Located: Dne...
Partner tire,Dnipropetrovsk region., 09-30-2024, Selling || |803
Дон 1500А
Don 1500А bu (used)
Don-1500А combine for sale. In working condition. Cart for harvester, lifter for harvesting sunflower. Questions by phone. Auction. Kyiv region Wart.
Vladimir,Kyiv region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Комбайн John Deere 2066 Hillmaster 6
John Deere 2066 Hillmaster combine, 1994, 3088/3950 engine hours (Real ), operation in Germany (Odni ruki - 100 ha per year), in compe...
Agro-Ukraine,Kyiv, 30-09-2024, Selling
Жатка John Deere 630F Hydra Flex
26 000$
Manufacturer: John Deere Model: 630 HydraFlex Adaptation: For John Deere Working width: 9.1 m Own weight: 2100 kg Transport dimensions: 9.7 x 2.2...
Arion-Agro, LLC,Dnipropetrovsk region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Жатка John Deere 625F Hydra Flex
Manufacturer: John Deere Model: 625 HydraFlex Adaptation: For John Deere Gripping width: 7.6 m Own weight: 2100 kg Transport dimensions: 8.2 x 2.2...
Arion-Agro, LLC,Dnipropetrovsk region., 30-09-2024, Selling
Жатка Case IH Flex 1020 5
Manufacturer: Case IH Model: 1020 Flex Adaptation: Under Case IH, New Holland Gripping width: 7.6 m Own weight: 2100 kg Transport dimensions: 8.2 x ...
Arion-Agro, LLC,Dnipropetrovsk region., 30-09-2024, Selling
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