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Stump grubbing, site grubbing

up-to-date announcements regarding supply and demand for stump grubbing, site grubbing: direct contacts, without intermediaries
Total found, ads: 34 (including archived ones). Displayed: 1 - 20. Display mode:
Корчування пнів, росліснення територій мульчером
19 €
The company will provide services of uprooting stumps, afforestation of old gardens with mulching equipment. High-quality, reliable, fast! We work with VAT! To clarify d...Price: 19 €
``AV-Technik Ukraine'' LLC,Kyiv region., 09-10-2024, I will provide the service
Корчування старих садів. Розкорчування ділянки мульчером 2
29 €
Afforestation with a rotator is a professional service of the company for removing stumps on the site for further use of the areas for sowing. Equipment for...Price: 29 €
``AV-Technik Ukraine'' LLC,Kirovohrad region., 09-10-2024, I will provide the service
Послуги ротоватора в Україні
The company will provide professional services of a rotator for chopping stumps and the root system. Quality is guaranteed by extensive work experience. We work no...Price: 39 €
AV-Technik Ukraine LLC,Chernihiv region., 09-10-2024, I will provide the service
Корчевание пней
600 hryvnias.
In the shortest possible time, at the best prices, we carry out work on the improvement of plots in Kyiv or any other populated place in the Kyiv region...
BK LUX LIFE, Kyiv, 08-10-2024, I will provide a service
Послуга корчування старих садів 3
Private enterprise "Agroremmash-Plus" has mastered the newest method of uprooting old gardens. This method is mulching. For work, sp...
PE "Agroremmash-Plus",Kirovohrad region., 08-10-2024, I will provide a service
Current announcements
all of Ukraine
Archived ads
Корчевание пней, раскорчевка участка, очистка полей от поросли
15,000 UAH.
Uprooting of stumps, uprooting of the plot, clearing of fields from overgrowth quickly, qualitatively, big опыт программые цены Bulldozer with uprooters exca...
SERGONOL,Dnipropetrovsk region., I will provide a service
Розкорчування лісосмуг, лісів, фруктових садів бульдозером Т-130
1400 UAH.
Clearing forest strips, forests, orchards with a T-130 bulldozer| ||539
Сергій, Zaporizka Oblast., I will provide a service
Корчування садів бульдозерами Т-130; 2
1400 hryvnias.
Uprooting of orchards with a T130 bulldozer. Cost 1400 UAH/hour.
Serhiy,Zaporizhia region.
Удаление пней, корчевание пней, вывоз веток, листьев Киев.
25 hryvnias.|| |588
067 4093070 Удаление пней Киев, корчевание пней, удаление деревьев. Удаление, корчеваение пней вручную и механизированым способом. Вывоз веток, пн...
Igor Vladimirovych,Kyiv, I will provide a service
Удаление деревьев киев, спил, валка, обрезка, корчевание пней 10
50 hryvnias.
Removal of Kyiv trees, felling, felling, pruning, grubbing of stumps Will remove the tree on the site in any way. Removal of tall trees. Burning of dry de...
Igor Vladimirovich,Kyiv, I will provide a service
Розліснення полів, корчування пнів, дерев, кущів 4
We provide services for clearing and afforestation of abandoned fields from wood, vegetation, stumps in the complex, namely: - uprooting and disposal is great...
Mikhail,Chernihiv region., I will provide a service
Корчування дерев, розкорчовка, розліснення полів
801 UAH.
Oleg Koflyk,Lviv region., I will provide a service
МУЛЬЧУВАННЯ! Розкорчування території
PRINOTH RAPTOR 800 self-propelled mulcher services for grubbing. The PRINOTH RAPTOR 800 self-propelled mulcher combines the most modern technologies for ma...
Vyacheslav,Chernihiv region., I will provide a service
МУЛЬЧИРОВАНИЕ!!!! Раскорчевка территории 4
750 €
Collecting orders for land grubbing services. Productivity up to 5 hectares per day.
Yulia,Khmelnytska region., I will provide a service
I will buy a bulldozer T-130! I will consider any offers, all over the territory of Ukraine!
Serhii,Zaporizhia region., Service required
Корчевание пней. Удаление пней Киев 3
Korčevanie пней Киев. Removal of tree stumps Kyiv. Uprooting of stumps, removal of stumps, uprooting of trees, removal of stumps, felling of trees.
Yevgeny,Kyiv, I will provide a service
Корчевание пней Киев. Удаление пней Киев 2
300 hryvnias.
Stump removal in Kiev. Removal of tree stumps in Kyiv and Kyiv region. Uprooting of tree-stumps, removal of stumps, uprooting of trees, removal of stumps, felling of trees...
Yevgeny,Kyiv, I will provide a service
Розкорчування старих садів
Services in grubbing up gardens, trees, stumps, undergrowth and bushes, clearing forest strips, planning. area of ​​the field for planting.
Snezhana,Kyiv region., I will provide the service
Корчевание, уничтожение и удаление пней
500 €
Good afternoon Is there a desire to save time? Company Ax-Group. We work all over Ukraine. Types of services provided: - rooting, destruction...
Dvoretskaya Tatiana,Dnipropetrovsk oblast., I will provide a service
We provide services with mulching We clear old gardens, forest strips, plantings directly under sowing. Innovative and ecological technology that allows...
Tanya Dvoretskaya,Rivnenska region., I will provide a service
1 2 ... next →
Stump grubbing, site grubbing in Ukraine
Dnipropetrovsk region. 3* Zhytomyr region. 1* Transcarpathian region.| ||927 1* Zaporizka Oblast. 5* Kyiv| ||935 1 Kyiv oblast. 1 Kirovohrad oblast.| ||943 2 Luhansk region. 1* Lviv region. 1* Rivnenska region. 1* Kharkivska region. 3* Khmelnytska region. 1* Чернігівська обл. 1