Red Chief apple tree - new winter variety with high marketable quality of fruits. Belongs to the Delicious family. Removable maturity comes at the end of September, sweat...Price: UAH 95.
Victor SAD Pro,Chernivetska region., 20-03-2024, Sell/buy
Partially Immune!!
Poland. Champion clone. Average frost resistance (After frosts of -31C, a good harvest was obtained.) Average resistance to powdery mildew ...Price: UAH 95.
Viktor SAD Pro,Chernivetska region., 20-03-2024, Sell/buy
Florina is a winter variety of domestic apple tree, which was bred by French breeders in 1977 from crossing Golden Delicious apple trees, Joe...Price: UAH 95.
Victor SAD Pro,Chernivetska region., 20-03-2024, Sell/buy
Apple seedlings for sale:
- Erli Zhineva
- Antonovka
- Honey
- Golden
- Modi
- Cameo
- The Black Prince
- Eliza
- Foam
- Green Star
- Rubinola
New, elite varieties available apple trees and pears, as well as many immune varieties.
I will sell strong, high-quality seedlings of summer, autumn and winter yab varieties...
Dmitry Efimovych,Vinnytsia region., 12-01-2024, For sale