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Peach seedlings

Sale of peach seedlings in bulk (wholesale) and retail: current ads from Ukrainian sellers with direct contacts. "Agro-Ukraine" provides an excellent opportunity to buy peach seedlings at a favorable price due to a wide selection of offers and the absence of intermediaries. All ads are added for free, in about 1-2 minutes.
Total found: 16 ads. Shown: 1 - 16. Display mode:| ||324
Саженцы персика и нектарина качественные саженцы большой выбор сортов 9
100 UAH.
We are engaged in the cultivation and sale of fruit and berry plants and as well as a large assortment of roses and decorative plants. Order in the future...Price: UAH 100.
"Azbuka Sad" kennel,Cherkasy region., 09-24-2024, Sell/buy
Персик Хасанский 8
200 UAH.
Khasansky peach (Zhelezov clone) the most frost-resistant in the world, Tested By Siberian frosts. Seedlings, tasty, aromatic fruits. Small bone, c...Price: UAH 200.
Valery Aleksandrovych,Sumy region., 19-09-2024, Sell/buy
Саджанці плодових дерев Персика 5
80 грн.
We present to your attention our Nursery "Zhytomyr - Garden", which is engaged in growing and selling its own fruit and berry crops. With us you can...Price: UAH 80.
Oleg,Zhytomyr region., 31-08-2024, Sell/buy
Ексклюзив! Саджанці Персика білий з темно-рожевим бочком Білий король 3
149 UAH.
Peach "White King" is a medium-sized tree, the branches form an oval crown. The skin of the fruit is pubescent, the color is greenish-white with ...Price: 149 UAH.
"Panski Sady",Вінницька обл., 16-08-2024, Sell/buy
Саджанці Персика колоновидного Еліс Кол (високоврожайний) 3
149 hryvnias.
Column-shaped peach Alice Kol is a high-yielding variety of late-ripening column-shaped peach. The tree grows up to 1.5-2.0 meters high...
"Panski Sady",Vinnytsia region., 16-08-2024, Продам / купити
Саженцы персиков, уже сегодня в продаже 6
150 UAH.
Seedlings of peaches of the early ripening period of the variety Fig Peach "Sweet Ring" (Platiphorone) 1 year - 80 g, 2 years - 120 g, Peach "Rich May" (Novelty) 1l...
TOV AGRO-DOBRO,Dnipropetrovsk region., 23 -07-2024, Sell/buy
Саженцы персика 2 летние 3шт.-420гр 3
420 UAH.
Peach seedlings 3 pieces - 420 gr Peach "Fleming Fury PF 28" 2 summer-150g, LATE RIPENING PERIOD. Fig Peach "Nikitsky" 2-year-120g, ...
TOV AGRO-DOBRO,Dnipropetrovsk region., 23-07-2024, Продам
Саженцы Нектаринов
150 UAH.
Nectarine seedlings 1 year 80 g, 2 years ot 120 g, varieties donat, fig, harvest from the third decade of July big top, ripening at the end of July-August wang-...
TOV AGRO-DOBRO,Dnipropetrovsk region., 07-23-2024, Selling | ||555
Персики сеянцы:Маньчжурский, Хасанский, Раконевецкий
Selling seedlings 1-2 years old. And vaccinated. Peaches Khasansky clone Zhelezov, Manchurian, Rakonevetsky.
Валерий Александрович,Sumy region., 22-07-2024, Selling
Peach seedlings for industrial gardens self-pickup from the nursery, we accept orders for autumn 2017, a large quantity can be ordered 24 months before planting.
Ivan,Chernivetska region., 19-11-2023, I will sell
Harnem rootstock for peach wholesale min batch 1000 pcs.
Ivan,Chernivetska region., 19-11-2023, I will sell
I will sell wholesale rootstock GF677 in cassettes
Ivan,Chernivetska region., 19-11-2023, Selling
Double Manchurian peach only wholesale| ||663
Иван, Chernivetska region., 19-11-2023, I will sell
Manchurian peach root stock OPT 500 ШТ
Ivan,Chernivetska region., 19-11-2023, I will sell
Vavit rootstock under order / double for peach plum apricot
Ivan,Chernivetska region., 19-11-2023, Selling
Саженцы персика и нектарина 20
35 UAH.
Peaches, nectarines and other fruit trees. A large varietal variety. I will send the catalog to e-mail or viber (write in a message) with instant...
DivoSad Melitopol,Zaporizka region., 15-11-2023, Продам
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AR Crimea 1* Vinnytsia region. 2 Volyn region.|| |872 2* Dnipropetrovsk Region. 3 Donetsk Region| ||880 1* Zhytomyr region. 1 Zaporizka region. 1 Kyiv 1* Kyiv Region| ||896 2* Lviv region. 1* Mykolaiv region . 3* Odesa region. 6* Sumy region. 2 Kherson region. 1* Хмельницька обл. 3* Cherkasia region. 1 Чернігівська обл. 1* Chernivtsk region. 6