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Spare parts for harvesters

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Продам запчастини на імпортну техніку різних брендів
30,885 UAH.
Protection of the harvester set 635 (AH600635)Price: 30,885 UAH.
AGRO KAR . 344Кіровоградська обл., 19-09-2024, Продам / купити
КМД 40010, запчасти жатки КМС-8, КМД-6
1600 грн.
The KMD 40010 sprocket is the main part of the channel drive unit for the KMS-8, KMD-6 harvesterPrice: 1600 hryvnias.
Владимир, Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Sell/buy
КМС 05.020 запчасти жатки КМС-8 4
4500 UAH.
Zvezdochka KMS 05020 is intended for rotation of the auger of the KMS-8 harvester with the help of a two-row chain 2PR15,875.Price: UAH 4,500.
Vla di mir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Sell/buy
КМС 04030, запчасти жатки КМС 8
1600 UAH.|| |395
Звездочка КМС 04030 работает в паре со шкивом КМС 04.102 на жатке КМС 8 Price: UAH 1600.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Sell/buy
Запчасти жатки КМД-6 ППК-4 КСКУ 06.28.040 нож 11
850 hryvnias.
1 Knife-wave KSKU 0628040 is intended for grinding corn stalks when harvesting corn. 2 rollers (left, right) 3 hubs KMD 35602, KMD 356...
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Sell/buy
ПЗС 02000 коробка приводная для жатки ПЗС-8 2
15,000 UAH.
The CCD 02000 drive box is one of the main components of the CCD-8 harvester, which is intended for harvesting sunflowers.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Sell/buy
КМС 19000 привод. жатка КМС-6; КМС-8 9
7000 hryvnias.
For sale KMS drive 19000--7000 Transfer case KSKU 0616010--7000 UAH Side box KMS 02010--8000 UAH
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Selling
Коробки раздаточные КМС 02.010 и КМС 02.010-01 жатка кмс-6; кмс-8 8
12,000 UAH.
Transfer boxes KMS 02.010 and KMS 02010-01 for harvester KMS 6 and KMS 8. The boxes are installed on the edge of the bed of the harvester and are used to transfer rotors. ..
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
КМС 19602 и КМС 19612 запчасти жатки кмс-6; кмс-8 3
750 hryvnias.
I will sell a KMS 19602 gear wheel and a KMS 19612 gear shaft, which work in pairs and are part of the KMS 19.000 unit.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
КСКУ 0616642 колесо зубчатое, запчасти КМС 8 3
900 UAH.
For sale KSKU gear wheel 0616642, which is installed on the transfer boxes of KMS, KMD-6, PPK-4 harvesters. The gear wheel works together with shafts ...| ||564
Владимир, Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
Полумуфта КСКУ 0616611 запчасти жатки КМС-6; КМД-6; ППК-4 6
400 UAH.
Polumkfta KSKU 0616611 Gear wheel KSKU 0616643 Gear shaft KSKU 0616645 KSKU hinge 0616613 Gear shaft KSKU 0616644 Gear wheel K...
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
КСКУ 0616010 коробка раздаточная, запчасти жатки КМС-8
12 000 грн.
The KSKU 06.16.010 transfer case is intended for the rotation of the rollers and the rotation of the front chains on the KMS-8 and KMD-6 corn harvester
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
КСКУ 06.16.643 колесо зубчатое, запчасти жатки КМС-8, КМД-6
300 UAH.
For sale KSKU gear wheel 0616643, which is intended for the KSKU transfer case 0616010 and for the KMS 02.010 box. The gear wheel works in...
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Selling
Вальцы для жатки КМД-6, ППК-4 8
3000 UAH.
KSKU 06.16.020 and KSKU 06.16.930 rollers are intended for corn harvesters KMD-6 and PPK 4 produced by the Kherson Combine Plant.
Владимир, Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
ПЗС 03030, цепь мысовая для жатки ПЗС-8 4
600 hryvnias.
Mysovaya chain is installed on the channels of the harvester for harvesting sunflowers of the CCS-8 harvester
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
КСКУ 08.29.000 цепь мысовая кукурузная жатки КМД-6, ППК-4
1200 грн.
Corn-corn chain for KMS-6, KMS-8 harvesters, as well as for KMD-6 and PPK-4.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
Запчасти жатки КМС-8; КСКУ 06.16.001 полозок
90 UAH.
The KSKU 06.16.001 skid is intended for the KMS-6, KMS-8 corn harvester and serves to calm the head chain.
Владимир, Khersonsk region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
Шкив вала промежуточного жатки ППК-4 КПР 52001
UAH 1,200.
I will sell the pulley of the intermediate KPR 52001 shaft for the PPK-4 corn header. Aluminum pulley.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
Цепь 2ПР 15, 875, запчасти жатки КМС 8
250 грн.
For sale chain 2PR 15,875 produced by the USSR (Baltic). New chain in excellent condition.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, I will sell
КМД 27000-01 вал промежуточный жатки КМД-6 2
1200 UAH.
KMD 27000-01--intermediate shaft for KMD-6 corn harvester.
Vladimir,Kherson region., 17-09-2024, Selling
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Spare parts for harvesters in Ukraine
Vinnytsia region. 5 Volyn region. 1 Dnipropetrovsk region. 11 Zhytomyr region. 7* Transcarpathian region. 3* Zaporizhia region. 6 Kyiv 11 Kyiv oblast. 75 Kirovohrad oblast. 29 Lviv Region 1* Mykolaiv Region 6* Odessa region. 1 Poltava region. 12 Rivna region. 1 Sumy region. 2 Kharkiv region. 9 Kherson region. 31 Khmelnytsk region. 4* Cherkassk region. 285* Chernihiv region. 3*