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Services for agriculture

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Ремонт та діагностика електрообладнання сільськогосподарської техніки
Autoland company conducts diagnostics and service of imported agricultural machinery - departure to the client on the territory...
AutoLand,Rivna Region, 09-27-2024, Nadam service
Уберем Ваш урожай быстро и качественно
Our company provides harvesters of imported brands for harvesting corn, sunflower and soybeans. Leading brands are collected in the agricultural enterprise's fleet...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide the service
Предоставляем в долгосрочную аренду сельхозтехнику на уборку зерновых и масличных культур
- The agricultural company offers for long-term rent combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain crops. The company's fleet is equipped with technology...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide the service
Уборка урожая
We provide agricultural harvesting services crops (corn, soy, sunflower, early cereals). The company's fleet has a car...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide the service
АРЕНДА Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case на уборку зерновых и масличных культур
RENT OF CLAAS COMBINES Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, Case. The agricultural enterprise offers long-term lease of harvesters for grain harvesting...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide the service
Услуги уборки буряка (свеклы), Украина
We offer sugar and fodder beet harvesting services using HOLMER high-performance beet harvesters. Kach...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv, 27-09-2024, I will provide the service
Сдам в аренду жатки John Deere на длительное время
Agrospetstrans 888 enterprise will lease John Deere 625, 630 HydraFlex and 925, 930 Flex soybean harvesters for long-term lease...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide the service
Очищення зерна, калібрування зерна, фасування зерна, фотосепаратор
We provide cleaning services, calibration of agricultural products for photoseparator (Sortex), petkus, vibropneumostol, as well as packaging from 1 kg to 1000 kg...
Andreychenko Sergey Anatolyevich,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide a service
Курси кухар, перукар, манікюр, електрик, слюсар, зварник, токар, бухгалтер
Courses cook, hairdresser, manicure, electrician, fitter, welder, turner, accountant
Lena. |665Черкаська обл., 27-09-2024, Надам послугу
Ремонт, прошивка системы параллельного вождения(курсоуказатель агро) Trimble 250 2
1900 UAH.
Diagnostics, repair, reflashing, updating of Trimble EZ-GUIDE 250 direction indicator software. In Trimble 250, the satellite lights up yellow ...Price: UAH 1900.
Dimon2140,Kyiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт и обслуживание GPS агронавигаторов Outback STS / Claas GPS Copilot TS 4
1000 UAH.
Hemisphere Outback STS parallel driving systems often come as standard or optional navigation systems on Claas agricultural machinery, where ...Price: UAH 1000.
Dimon2140,Kyiv region., 27-09-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт GPS для тракторів та оприскувачів Leica mojoMINI, mojo3D, Trimble, Claas 8
1000 UAH.
Виконуемо ремонт та налаштування систем паралельного водіння(систем параллельного вождения, курсоуказателей, агронавігація, курсовказівник) Leica m... Price: UAH 1000.
Dimon2140,Kyiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт и настройка систем параллельного вождения Trimble(Тримбл) CFX-750(FM-750) 5
1000 UAH.
Trimble CFX-750 — display with touch control for installation in the cabin, providing navigation, steering control and a set of functions of precise ground...Price: 1000 hryvnias.
Dimon2140,Kyiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Ремонт и прошивка агронавигаторов, курсоуказателей 4
1500 UAH.
The Trimble agronavigator stopped catching satellites, Or does the satellite glow yellow and won't start working? We will help you! We are updating the game...
Dimon2140,Kyiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Замена тачскрина(сенсора)Trimble, Claas, Teejet, Raven, Leica, JD, Ag Leader, Lemken 8
1000 hryvnias.
We replace the touch glass (touch screen). The touch glass (touch screen) is vulnerable to mechanical influences as it is located in front of the display...
Dimon2140, Kyiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Сборка электрических щитов с нужными параметрами. Собственное производство, гарантия 3
Company "Energogarant" (Kyiv) carries out assembly of electrical panels with any necessary characteristics. For leased, enterprises, production...
Oleksandr,Kyiv, 27-09-2024, I will provide a service
Продам коробку мтз 2022 9
8000 UAH.
We carry out ongoing repairs and burn-in of MTZ 1025,1221,1523,2022 gearboxes. We have many spare parts for these models. All questions by phone...
Yurii Nikanorovych,Volyn region., 09-27-2024
Tender lawyer Do you want to increase your chances of winning the tender? Advokatskoe obedinenie "Lawyers and mediators of Ukraine" will help you achieve your goal ...
Advokatskoe obedinenie "Lawyers and mediators of Ukraine",Kharkiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Налоговый юрист
A tax lawyer is your professional consultant and reliable defender! Our services include: - consultations - analysis of possible taxes...
Advokatskoe obedinenie "Lawyers and mediators of Ukraine",Kharkiv region., 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
Станция технического обслуживания 5
500 hryvnias.
For you, we offer services in the sale, repair and manufacture of radiators, manufacture and replacement of special cells, replacement and manufacture of cores, made...
Technoven Auto,Kyiv, 09-27-2024, I will provide a service
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