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Послуги бункера перевантажувача зерна в полі 2
Service or Rent of grain loader KOBZARENKA plant without and with tractor and crew The price is negotiable, depends on the volume of work, approximate price: 7...
Andrushchak,Vinnytsia region., 09-26-2024, I will provide a service
Послуги по збиранню врожаю 2024р
___COMBINE RENTAL, UKRAINE___ Agroenterprise "Agrospetstrans 888" offers for rent combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain crops for t...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Быстро и качественно уберем Ваш урожай
Fast and we will harvest your harvest with quality! The company's fleet includes modern combines of imported brands: Claas Lexion, John-Deere, New Holland, ...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide the service
Уборка сельхозкультур комбайнами Claas Lexion и John-Deere 2
Agropredpriyatie "AGROSPETSTRANS 888" - a company with many years of experience provides services for harvesting agricultural crops (wheat, corn...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Аренда бурякового (свеклоуборочного) комбайна, уборка буряка
«Агроспецтранс 888» предоставляет УСЛУГИ ПО УБОРКЕ УРОЖАЯ САХАРНОЙ И КОРМОВОЙ СВЕКЛЫ (БУРЯКА) с использованием высокопроизводительных свеклоуборочн...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv, 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Уборка урожая комбайном New Holland CX 8.80 2017 г.в
Уберем Ваш урожай комбайном New Holland CX 8.80 - 2017 г.в., с полным набором жаток для уборки зерна, подсолнечника, кукурузы. Области предоставле...
Andrey Yuryevich,Kharkiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Услуга комбайна New Holland. уборка урожая. уборка подсолнечника
We provide the services of the New Holland CX 8.80 combine harvester - 2017, with a full set of headers for harvesting grain, sunflower, and corn. We will ensure the collection of...
Andrey Yuryevich,Kharkiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Уборка кукурузы. Аренда комбайна New Holland. Уборка кукурузы комбайном
Harvesting corn with a New Holland CX 8.80 combine - 2017, using the Olimac Drago GT 8*70 corn header Minimal crop losses. Services p...
Andrey Yuryevich,Kharkiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide the service
Уборка сельхозкультур комбайнами ведущих брендов
Enterprise « AGROSPETSTRANS 888" is a dynamically developing company providing crop harvesting services throughout Ukraine. Author...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide the service
Аренда комбайнов на длительный период
Rent in long-term rent of combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain crops. The company's fleet includes world-famous equipment...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024
Аренда комбайнов ведущих марок
Agrospetstrans 888 enterprise provides agricultural machinery rental services: combine harvesters Claas Lexion 480, 560, 580, 760, 770; harvesters John Deere 625,...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide the service
Послуги по збиранню урожаю
*** HARVEST SERVICES *** The company "Agrospetstrans 888" offers for rent combine harvesters of leading brands for harvesting grain and oil crops...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Аренда свеклоуборочного (бурякоуборочного) комбайна, уборка буряка
Предоставляем услуги по уборке урожая сахарной и кормовой свеклы с использованием высокопроизводительных свеклоуборочных комбайнов марки HOLMER. Ка...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv, 26-09-2024
Оренда бункер-накопичувача перевантажувального БНП-30
* We offer for rent new 2024 BNP-30 hopper-accumulators for transshipment from EGRITECH. Full equipment. It is possible to rent on a monthly basis...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv, 09-26-2024, I will provide a service
Услуги по ОБРАБОТКЕ ПОЛЕЙ, Украина
Company "Agrospetstrans 888" provides Field Tillage Services with imported equipment: plowing, disking, spraying, cultivation, sowing, etc. Issue...
AgroSpecTrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Предприятие предоставляет УСЛУГИ ПО УБОРКЕ УРОЖАЯ зерновых и масличных культур
100 hryvnias.
The company provides HARVEST SERVICES for grain and oil crops. The company's fleet includes leading brands of agricultural machinery: John-...Price: UAH 100.
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide a service
Предоставим услуги по уборке урожая
We will provide services for harvesting with Claas Lexion 480, 560, 580, 760, 770 combines. The company's fleet includes other leading brands of agricultural machinery...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide the service
Аренда жаток на длительное время
Agropredpriyatie « Agrospetstrans 888" will lease John Deere 625, 630 HydraFlex and 925, 930 Flex soybean harvesters for a long-term lease with the option of...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 26-09-2024, I will provide the service
Аренда и продажа сельхозтехники
The company provides services for RENT and SALE OF AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT: combine harvesters tractor equipment for agricultural machinery In the range of companies...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 25-09-2024, I will provide the service
Услуги уборки урожая
"Agrospetstrans 888" offers combine harvesters of leading brands for long-term grain harvesting. The company's car fleet is provided with...
Agrospetstrans 888,Kyiv region., 25-09-2024, I will provide a service
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