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For sale / buy
Ten, Hungarian selection, Kyiv
Линь, Венгерской селекции
For sale / buy

Ten, Hungarian selection, Kyiv

Price80 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Kyiv
Updated:|| |139
We have Hungarian Lynx fry in stock.

Weightstocking 60-70 grams costs UAH 80.
Lynx is beautiful and healthy!

A fast-growing and persistent species with a yellow-green color.

Call - I will explain everything in detail!
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Передоплата або супервигідна ціна? Обов'язково ознайомтесь!
Viber: +380975484836|| |189
Whatsapp: +380975484836
Ad ID: #988197 (added by a registered user, registration date: 12-18-2019)
Додано / Оновлено: 22-06-2024 12:47  (current, until: 06-22-2025)
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