Табу® Нео- унікальний двокомпонентний інсектицидний протруйник для захисту від грунтових і наземних шкідників
Active substance: imidacloprid 400 g/l, clothianidin 100 g/l
Action type: Complex
Original drug: Tabu Neo
Manufacturer: August
Tare unit: 5 liters, the price is for 1 liter.
Crops used:
Wheat winter and spring, winter rye, spring and winter barley
Advantages of Tabu® Neo:
reliable protection at the most vulnerable stage;
effective against sucking and biting pests;
synergism, which provides high speed and duration of action;
stable under different weather conditions.
systemic insecticide Tabu® Neo for poisoning the seeds of
cereal grain crops for the purpose of protection against a complex of seedling pests.
Regulations of application:
Culture - Pest - Drug consumption rate, l/t
* Spring and winter wheat
-Complex of terrestrial and soil pests, including intrastem pests:
grain flies, aphids, bread fleas, bread bugs, thrips, leafhoppers
-0.3 - 1
* Winter wheat
- Bread turun
-0.8 - 1
* Spring and winter barley
-Complex of terrestrial and soil pests, including intrastem pests:
grain flies, aphids, bread fleas, bread bugs, thrips, leafhoppers
-0.3 - 1
* Winter rye
-Complex of terrestrial and soil pests, including intrastem pests:
grain flies, aphids, bread fleas, bread bugs, thrips, leafhoppers
-0.3 - 1
Consumption of working fluid: up to 11 l/t.
Characteristics of active substances:
both active substances of the drug belong to the chemical class of neonicotinoids, have contact-intestinal action and systemic activity, but differ in the degree of solubility and mobility. Clothianidin is less soluble and less mobile compared to imidacloprid, therefore it is better fixed in the space around the seed, provides reliable protection of the seed and the growing root system. Imidacloprid, which has a higher solubility than clothianidin, is more quickly absorbed by the root system and moves through the tissues, depriving insects of the opportunity to cause significant damage to the plant.
Mechanism of action:
clothianidin and imidacloprid -
insecticides of intestinal and contact action, possess pronounced systemic activity. They block nicotinic receptors of the postsynaptic nerve. As a result, the normal conduction of the nerve impulse is disturbed, which leads to a complete blockade of its passage and, as a result, to the death of the pest from excessive nervous excitement. Thanks to systemic activity, both active substances penetrate into the seeds, then into the root system of the plant and are distributed throughout its vegetative parts as it grows. Due to the gradual redistribution of the drug in the "soil - plant" system, a constant effective concentration of active substances is maintained in such vulnerable parts of the plant as the node of the bush and leaves.
Action speed:
when the drug penetrates the body of pests, they primarily lose their mobile activity, stop feeding, and then die within a day.
Period of protection:
depends on the rate of consumption of the drug and the growing conditions of the crop. Tabu® Neo* provides protection of the seedlings of the culture until the phase of the beginning of tillering - exit into the tube. For early sowing, it is recommended to use the maximum rates of consumption of the poison.
The possibility of resistance:
when alternating with insecticides from other chemical groups, the occurrence of resistance is unlikely.
Features of the drug:
the use of Tabu® Neo* poison is more profitable and reliable, compared to treatment with insecticides during the growing season. The increased consumption (compared to other similar insecticidal poisons) of Tabu® Neo* active substances per ton of seeds allows extending the protective period of the drug.
Recommendations for use:
seed treatment is carried out in advance (up to 1 year) and immediately before sowing. Only conditioned seeds can be processed in advance under proper conditions for further storage. When processing, it is recommended to use seeds cleaned of dust and impurities, which will ensure good adhesion and better etching quality. The quality of processing is controlled by the intensity of seed color. Etching should be carried out with hydration.
Tabu® Neo* can be used with other fungicidal protoxins, in particular, it mixes well with Vial® TrasT, Vial® Trio, Oplot™, TMTD™ and water, forming a homogeneous red suspension without sediment and stratification. In other cases, before use
it is necessary to check the mixed components for compatibility.