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Potatoes import to order Koroleva Anna Faction 4-6/ 5-9! Payment with VAT, Chernihiv region.
Картофель импорт под заказ Королева Анна Фракция 4-6/ 5-9! Оплата С НДС
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Potato import to order Koroleva Anna Fraction 4-6/ 5-9! Payment of VAT, Chernihiv region.

Region: Chernihiv region. (Chernihiv city)
Purpose: Product potatoes
Quantity: 3000 tons
Sales of potatoes

Queen Anne
Faction 6-9
Faction 4-6
clean without diseases
We work with budgetary organizations, supermarkets and wholesale bases(//

Payment form by transfer WITH VAT and WITHOUT VAT!
We provide a complete set of documents
Additional information and photos by phone!

Author, contacts
AgroCompany "PRIORITET" /  reviews, info. / estimate of activity
Phone: +380xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super favorable price? Be sure to familiarize yourself!
Ad ID: #968799 (added by registered user, registration date: 2012-03-28)
Added / Updated: 11-19-2024 16:17  (current, until: 02-17-2025)
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