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Separating grid for 12 frames. Divider lattice Dadan, Poltava region.
Решетка разделительная на 12 рамок. Роздільна решітка Дадан
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Divide lattice for 12 frames. Partition grid Dadan, Poltava region.

Region: Poltava region. (Lubny)
Archived announcement
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Divided grid for 12 frames.
High manufacturing accuracy and maximum number of holes.

They are made of durable, light and high-quality food-grade plastic, which allows bees to easily pass through the grid and at the same time guaranteed to limit the queen in the brooding parthive.(//

Material: Vindurin - semi-rigid food grade plastic, extremely easy to use and clean. At the end of the season, it is enough to wash with a brush with hot water or process with steam up to 110 °C.
Product color may vary.
Producer Lyson. Poland.
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