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Chlorella culture medium for plant growing, fertilizer for plants, growth stimulator, Kyiv region.
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Cultural medium chlorella for plant growing, fertilizer for plants, growth stimulator, Kyiv region .

Price4 UAH.
Region:all of Ukraine, Київська обл. (White Church)
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Chlorella cultural medium for plant growing.

After processing the chlorella suspension into a concentrate, the culture water medium remains, saturated with a small amount of live chlorella, chlorella growth factors, as well as all kinds of micro, macro elements and amino acids. Scientists count more than 650 different useful things in this culture.

Price: 162

4 грн. л. (наша тара)

2 hryvnias l. (your container)
Cultural medium has proven itself in plant growing as a growth stimulator, protection against diseases and nutrition for different types of plants (the taste of fruits grown with the addition of this product becomes significantly better). The product is bottled in 5-liter plastic bottles. If you are interested in this product, write or call. We work both with private gardeners and with stores and wholesale bases.
- Soaking seeds, feeding seedlings, watering adult plants, watering domestic plants
- Recovery of sick, withering plants (not a medicinal product, increases the natural resistance of the plant)
-Restoration of plants after drought and overwintering
- Revitalization and nutrition of soil microflora
-When soaking seeds, phytohormones trigger all the necessary development processes, which increases germination to 99%
When feeding seedlings, high immunity is formed, more intensive and correct development is observed, the stems become stronger, the leaves and root system develop better.
-When watered in summer, plants become more resistant to adverse conditions (drought, frost, heavy precipitation, etc.)
- The period of fruiting and the total volume of fruits increase
The taste of the product increases, as it becomes more saturated with vitamins and other useful elements.
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