Primor of the Rent Cancer in Wholesale, Kharkiv Region
= Reviews, Info. .|| 153
region: All Ukraine, Kharkiv Region
== Updated:
I buy lives | || 135 раков (Multiple). Skomotra love. We intertain on the same way to direct the Ribaks, BESS. If you will be unreasonable with a river in the watermaids, our presentation for you. Very interested and different gradation (different crack crack). Ready to buy 10 and more kg., Real - love and round. In all issues and prominence, devote to the contact phone and in any time. This is the direction of the season. In the Kharkov region, hemage. Likewise, we buy the category of living cancer in our aquained water. Welcome, all agreed! White silver carp, colorful, annual cancer, white Amur, black amur, long -steamed cancer, wide -steamed cancer, narrow -pan cancer, walley ponds, strengthening of rivers.
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Автор, контакти
= Yuri Alexandrovich/відгуки, інфо. / Estimation of Activity
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