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Bimmer - insecticide for protection of gardens, vineyards, vegetables, sugar beet and potatoes, Kyiv region.
Біммер - інсектицид для захисту садів, виноградників, овочів, цукр.буряку та картоплі
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Bimmer - insecticide for protection of gardens, vineyards, vegetables, sugar beets and potatoes, Kyiv region.

Регіон: all of Ukraine, Kyiv region. (Vyshhorodok)
Bimer insecticide

Action type - System-contact
The original drug - Bi-58
Manufacturer - Nertus
Active substance - Dimethoate 400 g/l
Tare unit - 1 l, 150
Культура - Виноградники, Бобові, Зернові, Сади, Буряк
Country of manufacture - Europe
Processing area - from 10 hectares.

What does it protect against - fleas, bean firefly, pea fruit-eater, cereal leafworm, cereal flies, cruciferous fleas, leaf-flies, leaf-gnawing pests, false shields, meadow butterfly, honeybees, transient moth, transient fly, moth, fruit-eaters, leeches, beet leaf aphid, scoops , aphids, thrips, bread weevil, bread beetles, scale insects, scales, apple flower eater
Rob. calculated for fields/gardens - 200-300 / 800-1000 l/ha

Culture Consumption rate, l/ha
Cereal grains 1.0-1.5(//
Cereal legumes 0.5-1.0
Sugar beet 0.5-1.0
Apple tree, pear 0.8-2.0
Vineyards 1.2-3.0
Vegetables 0.5-1.0
Alfalfa 0.5-1.0
Hops 1.5-6.0
Currants 1.2-1.6
Potatoes 1.5-2.0

Due to the contact-systemic effect, Bimmer, in addition to destroying insects, also has a protective effect for crops for 2 weeks. Registered crops: cereal grains, legumes, apple trees, pears, vineyards, sugar beets.
Mechanism of action of Bimmer

The drug leads to the death of the insect, thanks to the active substance, which leads to a blockage of the central nervous system. Bimmer acts directly on the pest itself, which comes into contact with the solution, and also affects the pests that eat the treated plants. Since the insecticide is quickly transported through the xylem of the plant, it fully provides its protection for a long time. The drug disappears from the plant in 2-3 days. The term of protective action is 15 days.
Application tips

Bimmer insecticide is resistant to high temperatures, solar radiation and humidity. Manual work is carried out no earlier than 10 days after processing. Mechanized works are carried out in 4 days.
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