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For sale heifers of meat breeds from a farm with 100 heads, Zhytomyr region.
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I will sell heifers of meat breeds from the farm farms with 100 heads, Zhytomyr region.

Region:all of Ukraine, Zhytomyr region. (Lutsk)
I will sell beef cows and bulls of different breeds. From the manufacturer.
Meat of milk breeds. Ukrainian red mottled, black mottled and other breeds.
The average weight is from 300 kg to 450 kg. The average weight is 430 kg.
Price of FSA Cherkassy region. The price is negotiable.(//
Application from the buyer. With bank details, signature, seal and work phone. Send it to me at Senior manager of wholesale sales. My phone numbers are +380502711484 WhatsApp and +380969351156 Viber. Alexander.

Sell ​​gobies from the manufacturer.
Average weight from 300kg to 450kg. Average weight 430kg.
Preferably in pdf format. Send me mail Senior wholesale manager. My phone numbers are +380502711484 vatsap and +380969351156 Viber. Alexander.
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Alexander / reviews, info.: 23 / activity evaluation
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Phone: +380xxxxxx show
Prepayment or super bargain price? Be sure to familiarize yourself!
Skype: potapsan
Ad ID: #889923 (added by a registered user, registration date: 08-14-2012)
Added / Updated: 07-10-2024 20:36  (current, until: 07-10-2025)
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